≮雷电之夜≯ 墨村被「雷到了」图文并茂 - 不看对不住昨天那些被雷劈到的村民 ๑۩ﺴﺴ۩๑

2014年10月27日 无忧小雅哥

「雷电之夜」昨晚今晨的大雷电大暴雨小伙伴们都感受到了没?墨尔本天气的威力可真是”Niubility”啊!~竟然还有小伙伴说昨晚睡的很好没听见的… o(╯□╰)o 那关于雷电的地道表达,大家都学会了吗?

Huge/spectacular lightning storm strikes Melbourne

Strike 这词用的很恰当,雷电”撞击”猫村… 昨晚这雷电的力量,不用”撞”来形容都觉得不够力啊~

Overnight thunder storm


Melbourne is drenched

Drench 的意思是淋、湿透,用来形容昨夜今晨的猫村够”准确”…

Thunderstorms battered the city

Batter, 连击、受虐的意思。不解释,小伙伴都懂的…

The storms swept across Melbourne

Sweep的过去时,横扫、肆虐. 雷电横扫肆虐了墨尔本…

Wild weather brings Melbourne to a standstill (停顿)

Breaking news都用wild weather来形容昨晚的天气了… 墨尔本果真是城市中的战斗机啊…

A house has been gutted by fire after fierce storms

Lightning sparks house fire

The fire quickly spread to its attic (阁楼)


Disrupt transport network

Metro services crumbled (崩溃) as the stormy conditions caused signal faults throughout the network

今天早上坐火车坐电车的commuters都疯掉了吧!~Breaking news都说crumbled了。

Use manual signalling

Half of the platforms were operating

Transport networks in chaos

今天早上进flinders station的火车基本都等了很久才进站。原因是因为雷电引起了Signal fault, 所以只能手动管制,而且只有一半的站台可以用,怪不得一团乱呢~

In chaos代表混乱,要特别注意chaos这个单词的念法哦!~千万别直接念出了拼音”超”啊!~

Storm damage on the line

Suspended, resume

小雅哥早上坐火车的时候,司机还广播说“some other lines are delayed by 40 minutes, we are not too bad, right? At least we are better than others…” 土澳啊土澳,果真是无力吐槽啊…

Inbound/Outbound customer


Major delay are expected at this stage

Face delay throughout the morning

Major Delay这个词其实经常出现在Metro的广播里,只要一听到这个词,整个人都不太好了。

Stop work on the tarmac (停机坪)


Knock-on delays

Train system went into storm-induced meltdown

Storms wreaked havoc with Melbourne transport system

Knock-on、meltdown 都是很不错的native expression哦!~ knock-on 的意思是连锁反应的意思;meltdown是危机的意思,今早Metro真的是陷入危机了~


Minor power issue

很多地区昨晚都停电了,小雅哥家一直到早上五点多才恢复供电…半夜打电话给CitiPower and Powercor, 等了整整20分钟才打通电话,但是接通了却说we are experiencing power supply failure in Doncaster、Doncaster east、Blackburn、Mount Waverley等等等等…但还有一些suburbs,到早上10点还没恢复供电…

Have no movement

Roads were closed by flooding

Cars became stranded in rising waters

早上开车的小伙伴们,估计都被堵在路上了吧~ 原来可以用have no movement这么简单的用词来表达堵在路上一动不动…

Dockland附近的Dudley street今早被水淹了,有些车都被水淹了~ 小伙伴们开车要小心~ 千万不要以为积水不深,就直接开进去,然后就没有然后了…

The storms are now dying down in intensity and severity

Finally seeing an end to a ten-day heatwave

天气预报说暴风雨已经越来越小了,可以用dying down in intensity and severity这个词组。

小雅哥很喜欢seeing an end to a ten-day heatwave,这种表达很native,用词又简单,大家都能学会哦~

Flash flooding

Flash flooding的意思是山洪爆发,看来这次雷电风暴威力真不小啊~

The stormy conditions are set to continue

About 80,000 strikes were recorded

Are set to continue可以摘抄哦!~

Bureau of meteorology的数据显示,昨晚有大约8万次的雷电袭击Victoria…

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