
2017年12月07日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中

03.ET Coming


In the future, extraterrestrial beings are going to invade the earth. The close friends are dying, and can the endangered earth be saved? Should man trust an enemy or a friend of war? Who is the manipulators behind the scenes?

04.The Drug Trade


This night, the air filled with the smell of addictive drugs, a transaction is, for money or power? Is it just or evil that is in trouble? Who is the winner of this war without gunfire in a war?


Through the festival, the students have also gained a lot. They know the teamwork how, to help each other, to enrich their cultural life on campus and at the same time, also realized the different roles of fun. In fact, it is the same in life, each of us has his or her own role, and what we have to do is to play the role of our own. Don't let yourself regret it! Life has no rehearsal, every day is live, I hope you can make your life wonderful, and win the cheers!

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