『3』招搞定雅思口语趴3 + 2015首场雅思直播中

2015年01月10日 无忧小雅哥

很多烤鸭们准备Part I和Part II都得心应手,但是碰到神一样的Part III就傻眼了,毕竟Part III随机性太强,而且有些考官的神逻辑真的不是一般人能弄懂的节奏呀。

今天无忧小雅哥带大家关注一下Part III的各类问题,以及相应的回答方法。不过,应战Part III还是需要各位烤鸭们在平时多练习,多总结,读书看报拓展思路。今天介绍的只是方法,其中的内容还是要烤鸭们自己填充。
Candidate对普遍现象的意见,以do you think…, what’s your opinion on…, do you agree or disagree that…, do you support… 等等字眼为标志。
“Do you think it’s important to be punctual in daily life?” 问的是在我们的生活中,守时的重要性;

“Do you support university students to start their own businesses or seek employments with other companies?” 问的是是否支持大学生自主创业还是为他人打工;

“Should men always wait for women?”男人是否就应该等待女士。

“Should men always wait for women?”
“Oh men should definitely wait for women at any time,that’s a must! It’s a perfect case of a gentleman’s etiquette.”
【“My dad is an outstanding example. Every time when he goes out with my mum and my sister, he would let the ladies have absolute freedom in doing everything they desire.”】
“Frankly, I don’t see any reasons why men should always wait for women. It’s about respect of other people’s time, instead of the so called gentleman’s etiquette.”
“I am afraid I have to say, it depends.”
【“If we are talking about two parties with close personal relationship, such as friends, families, or lovers, then yes, men should always wait for women which shows their care and understanding of the other party; whereas if it’s a business relationship, then every involved party should keep punctuality in mind as it’s crucial in career development.”】
针对话题引出比较并进行分析,以句子中出现的compared to, prefer A or B and why, more than, better than, A over B等字眼为标志。
“Why people prefer to choose private transportation over public transportation?” 为何人们更愿意选择个人交通方式而不是公共交通方式?

“Why has there been more pollution than in the past?” 为何现在污染比过去更严重;

“How has technology changed our life compared to the past” 与过去相比,科技如何改变了我们的生活。

可以用的句型有A is more than B because…, A was…, whereas today B…, if we look at A,then…, and if look at B…
e.g.: How has technology changed our life compared to the past?
【“Well, technology has made tremendous changes to our life. Take communication for example, in the past, we relied on traditional delivery methods such as ships, trains or even bicycles to deliver letters; whereas today we can text message each other, exchange pictures, audio or video clips or even share our locations through mobile devices.”】
针对话题提出开放性问题,以how can A be changed/improved, how should B be used to solve…problems,等等。
“How can congestion in Beijing be solved?” 北京的交通堵塞问题如何解决?

“How can international law resolve issues between North Korea and South Korea?” 南北韩的问题如何用国际法解决?

“How can international law resolve issues between North Korea and South Korea?”
【“We probably all know that international law cannot be enforced by national governments as it merely serves as guidelines in dealing with international conflicts; however, during armed conflicts, the United Nation’s Security Council may decide to implement military interventions based on collective decision in line with relevant provisions of international law. Hence, international law probably can do little to resolve North Korea and South Korea issues during peace time, but if Kim the Fatso decides to cross the border, I guess the world wouldn’t mind kicking a few asses to make sure things are in order.”】
最后,注意在讲述大段内容时使用表达逻辑关系的副词,如yet,however,besides,in addition,写作技巧里都会提到,用在口语里会提高coherence和fluency的分数。


「☆小作文☆」Bar chart, the percentage of adult using the Internet from 2003-2006 (different age of person: 16-24,25-42,43-54,55-64,64+) 看来今天A类小作文并不难哦!~ 烤鸭们加油!~

「☆大作文☆」The leader or director of organizations are often elder people. But some people believe that young people can also be a leader. To what extent do you agree to disagree?


「☆小作文☆」You bought a ticket for a music concert. You're unable to attend the concert. You want to offer the ticket to your friend. Write a letter to give him the ticket,explain why you're unable to attend the concert,tell him how to get the ticket.

「☆大作文☆Many parts of the world has increasing amount of garbage. What's the cost of having so much garbage everywhere and how to stop it. 欢迎今天G类的烤鸭们回忆还原原题哦!~

雅思直播2015.01.10参与直播回复 「21」

2015年第一场口语~~~赞人品赞人品我来给大家一点福利;Part 1 hometown, major,还有future plan。听到问题的时候特别想说网上流行的那句话:My goal for 2015 is to accomplish the goals of 2014 which I should have done in 2013 because I made a promise in 2012 and planned in 2011.;Part 2 a thing that you did with a group 机经里面有一个Part 2问题是group projects,套用就可以啦~;最后一部分的问题大部分是围绕你和group在一起的感觉怎么样,如果大家有意见不一致的情况你该怎么协调等等,学生党工作党对这种事情都不陌生,很好说哒·~大家加油哦~年初屠雅成功!!!

为了考雅思,圣诞和元旦都没怎么玩,还好今天题目不难~~~有望过7~ 今天在RMIT考的,一个白人老爷爷,很友善,语速不快。给小伙伴们分享一点口语的回忆。大家要坚持努力,总会有回报的~;趴一 name, building, friend 都是特别基本的问题,考前我过了全部的口语话题,也准备了Part 1的题目,所以基本没什么卡壳;趴兔 a handmade gift 不算新题了,我在口语题库里看到过。我当时把这个话题和family event的一起准备的,就是又说自己准备礼物,又说和家人一起过节。;最后考官问了,你平时喜欢做手工(handcraft)吗?我说喜欢的。后来他又问手工做的礼物和直接买的礼物有什么不同之类之类的。

Woo~ It’s good to finish my first, and I wish the last ielts in 2015~@MonashUni, a blonde, quite nice~Part 1 hometown, shoes Nothing surprise~Part 2 a person who is good at cooking A little different from the topic test bank, but it’s not too hard to say something~ you can simply describe a chef, whose job is to be skilled at cooking.Part 3 does someone good at cooking means that he is a gourmet?

攒人品p1 house or appartment. weather.p2 people who is a leader.p3 who should do the decision, the leader or team members?who should do the decision if the leader is working far away from the orgization?Is leader’s decision more important than workmates?if you are the leader, how will u do the decision

都是老题,运气不错;name sports和season;advice you were given by others;稍微准备准备,这个话题还挺好讲的。2015年烤鸭们加油~



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