Band 9.0 口语趴2 Famous people 姚明 刘翔 No!!!其实可以更简单

2015年02月11日 无忧小雅哥

A Famous Person
2015年1月和2月第一场考试已经结束,不少烤鸭反映口语新题出现不少。有些话题之前没准备,上考场时看到话题连中文构思都想不出多少,更别说用英文谈论两分钟了。但是,正如无忧小雅哥一直强调的,口语话题中没有绝对的新题,很多都是旧瓶装新酒,小伙伴们要将原来准备的素材灵活运用来应对新题。而且无忧小雅哥第一时间整理完了《墨尔本无忧雅思口语机经2015第一季度》,并陆续更新了部分part 2的音频sample answers,小伙伴们微信自动搜索哦
A Famous Person 输入 3125
Describe a famous person from your country.

You should say:
--who this person is (or was)
--how do you know about this person
--what type of work they do (or did)

and explain how they made an impression on your society

描述一位中国名人是2015年1月2月几场考试里多次出没的一条口语话题。烤鸭们看到这条题目的时候,是不是脑子里立马想到Jackie Chen, Yao Ming? 图样图森破!如果大家都说这两位,你觉得考官会怎么看?还有,如果大家还是都奔着成龙姚明去,你让实现了诺贝尔奖零的突破的莫言先生,跑到美国圈钱的马云大佬情何以堪?该话题的难点不是烤鸭们没有ideas, 而是如何另辟蹊径,找到一位国内知名海外火了的人物去描述,让考官眼前一亮,也是让你自己脱颖而出~

输入 3125

I would like to talk about Jack Ma (直接回答第一个bullet point). He is a famous Chinese businessman and he is the founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group, a family of highly successful internet based businesses (解释这位人物是何方神圣,原来是马云!非常有时效性的素材,而且这一段展开回答了第三个question). He is the first Chinese person to appear on the cover of Forbes magazine and as of 2014, he is the richest man in China and among the top 50 in the world with an estimated net worth of 30 billion dollars. (回答第二个point,隐含的意义是看新闻的人都知道马云。第一段比较粗略地回答了三个点)

Jack Ma is known to be fair, persistent and hardworking. His family wasn’t rich either but he never gave up and tried to his best to achieve his goals. He started developing websites and eventually got his degree and started his own business. His stories as well as his personal characteristics inspire millions of people in china and all over the world. (第二段的内容可以看做过渡段,为回答最后一个explain的问题做铺垫)

For example, in 2007, in response to worldwide criticism of the practice of killing sharks for their fins, Ma announced that he and his family had “sworn off shark fin soup now and forever." In January 2009, Alibaba Group revised its listing policy and banned the sale of shark fin products on all of its e-commerce platforms. (这一段具体回答最后一个问题,不仅说了马云自身的行动,还说了集团的行动)

Ma has always encouraged people, including shareholders, customers and students and business owners to take matters into their own hands and take action in the form of starting businesses to cope with the economic downturn rather than waiting for governments or businesses to help them. He reminds everyone that the great fortunes of the world are made by people who saw opportunities that others didn’t. Overall, he has a great reputation in the world and people like him for what he does, in particular his charity programs in China and Africa.
整整2分钟的回答,不但把所有的问题都cover了,也用了非常多的topic related vocabularies;没有大词也能给出漂亮的回答。同时,连接词的准确运用,会让考官觉得非常舒服,回答相当有逻辑;这是一个9分的范本,小伙伴们可以点赞膜拜并学习起来哦!~

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