北京活动:标准化考试准备系列一: 美国大学本科申请的标准化考试(托福, 雅思, SAT 和 ACT)高分经验分享

2018年07月17日 美国驻华大使馆

2018年7月19日(周四)18:30到20:30,标准化考试准备系列一: 美国大学本科申请的标准化考试(托福, 雅思, SAT 和 ACT)高分经验分享

美国驻华大使馆EducationUSA办公室诚挚地邀请你参加一个关于 “美国大学本科申请的标准化考试(托福, 雅思, SAT 和 ACT)高分经验分享” 的讲座。这次讲座的内容包括:

申请美国大学, 考托福还是雅思呢?





这次讲座由EducationUSA的教育专员以及参与过四项考试并取得好成绩的四位学生嘉宾一起分享取得高分的经验。活动报名请访问网站:https://www.educationusachina.com/node/2227 。


July 19, 2018, Thursday, 18:30 - 20:30, Test Preparation Series I: Tips for Getting High Scores on Standard Tests - Toefl, Ielts, SAT and ACT

EducationUSA Beijing warmly invites you to attend an information session on “Tips for Getting High Scores on Standard Tests - Toefl, Ielts, SAT and ACT.” The session will provide the following information:

Taking Toefl or Ielts for U.S. higher education application?

SAT or ACT, what are their differences?

How can you plan well for your standard tests during high school study?

Tips for getting a high score on standard tests


Our speakers are an EducationUSA adviser and four students who participated in the four tests and achieved good results. If you will attend the event, please visit  https://www.educationusachina.com/node/2227

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