
2018年07月24日 美国驻华大使馆

“有多项美国和联合国制裁对与北朝鲜进行贸易以及使用北朝鲜劳动力加以限制,对一家企业的供应链运作存在潜在影响。首要的两项制裁合规风险为:(1)无意中自北朝鲜采购货物、服务或技术,(2)供应链中存在北朝鲜公民或国民,其劳动为北朝鲜政府产生收入。本建议还为企业提供尽职调查参考。”针对供应链有北朝鲜环节的企业面临的制裁风险发布的建议,发言人办公室,2018年7月23日链接 (英文): https://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2018/07/284312.htm

“Multiple U.S. and UN sanctions impose restrictions on trade with North Korea and the use of North Korean labor, potentially impacting a company’s supply chain operations.  The two primary sanctions compliance risks are:  (1) inadvertent sourcing of goods, services, or technology from North Korea, and (2) the presence of North Korean citizens or nationals in those supply chains, whose labor generates revenue for the North Korean government.  This advisory also provides due diligence references for businesses.” Advisory Released on Sanctions Risks for Businesses With Supply Chain Links to North Korea, Office of the Spokesperson, July 23, 2018

Link (en): https://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2018/07/284312.htm

特朗普总统(President Trump)对于北韩去核化的前景仍然表示乐观。我也同样如此,因为正在出现进展。特朗普政府希望,有朝一日朝鲜民主主义人民共和国(DPRK)能够在联合国成为我们中间的朋友,不再陷入失道寡助的境地。--国务卿

“President Trump remains upbeat about the prospects of denuclearization of North Korea. So do I, as progress is happening. It is the Trump administration’s hope that one day the DPRK could be in our midst here at the United Nations – not as a pariah, but as a friend.”

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