2018年澳洲7月四大 德勤 EY、春招时间表,内附申请条件和网申技巧!

2018年07月18日 前途精英求职

澳洲2018澳洲Graduate Program确认开放的只有两家,德勤和EY。对的,只有两家。但是大家不要担心,本来这就是7月份补招,2019年2月,3月才是四大的Graduate Program招聘旺季。



In the final year of your degree or as a graduate, within 18 months from your graduation date at the time of application

International students or An Australian or New Zealand citizen or an Australian permanent resident 

再次重申,四大不要求PR,没有PR的同学,只要雅思四个八或是PTE 79,就可以申请。

如果不是final year的学生,这18年春招四大没有机会申请也不要灰心,抓紧时间,找到澳洲本土会计实习经验,能够助你未来的四大申请助一臂之力!



德勤 网申开放时间 18 July-19 Aug

EY  网申开放时间 23 July-17 Aug

德勤已经开始了,已经apply的同学会看到online application quesiton啦!




1. Application

The online application considers:

Work, leadership and team experience

Extra-curricular activities

Academic results

Passion, enthusiasm and motivation



2. Online Assessment


Our interactive graduate assessment is a unique assessment experience which can be completed online and should only take about 20 minutes of your time. This part of the process is intended to assess your fit with the Summer Vacation and Graduate positions available at Deloitte and to give you a little taste of what it may be like to work with us.


3. Phone interview

You will have a phone call with a member of the Graduate Talent Acquisition team to discuss:


Your motivation to join Deloitte

Your interest in your choice of Business and Operating Unit

Career opportunities.



4. Assessment Day

 The assessment centre may include:


An information session

Group activities

A written exercise

An individual case study

Networking with Deloitte team members.



5. Case Study - Not for all positions


The case study assessment considers situation analysis and numerical interpretation. The case study is an interactive interview and the candidate is encouraged to ask questions, seek clarification and bounce ideas off the interviewer.



6. Partner interview


A behavioural based interview with a Partner in the business unit you are looking to join.


7. Offer


You will always hear from us, regardless of whether you are successful or not. If you haven't yet heard, that means your application is still being considered.






与德勤不同,EY用Video Assessment,而不是Phone Interview。申请者对于Video Assessment和Phone Interview的前期准备和评分标准是非常不一样的。这点Candidates一定要注意!

作为四大必备的online test,很多同学都计划要投入了很多精力去准备,反而忽略了Interview Assessment。正确的四大GP准备计划是,online application, video assessment,grouping这些都比online test难很多。尤其对于咱们华人留学生来说,online test都是小菜一碟,提前一周多多刷题练习,online test真是小儿科的题目。反而,video或是phone interview上面,受不是母语的影响,我们留学生需要好好准备和练习,90%的华人优秀申请者都在video或是phone第一轮interview上面就fail了。



Joy 2018 2月秋招 KPMG Graduate Program Offer

Cindy 2018 2月秋招 PWC Graduate Program Offer

Heather 2018 2月秋招 PWC Graduate Program Offer



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