- Robin H.,42岁. 大学图书馆管理员. 伊利诺伊州芝加哥市
What I Learned From Serving on a Jury
I served on a jury for the first time the other week. In the United States, some legal trials are decided solely by a judge, but others are decided by a jury of twelve citizens. The idea behind this is that a defendant’s case should be decided by his or her peers, a random sample of people with the same legal standing.
The case that I helped to decide was a civil matter. Someone who was hit by a car wanted money from the person who hit him in order to cover his medical bills and to compensate his suffering. The judge and attorneys asked us questions to make sure we didn’t know any of the parties involved, and that we wouldn’t have any biases regarding the case. Each attorney laid out their side of the case and called witnesses to speak to the court to back up their claims. When they were done, the judge gave us instructions regarding the issues we needed to consider, and we went into a conference room so we could discuss the details and come to a unified decision.
I learned that I really had to listen to the case in order to get all the information, and to let go of any assumptions or biases that I might have since they weren’t relevant to the facts. I also had to be able to think critically and logically, as well as communicate clearly with the other jurors while we deliberated the case. In this instance, we came to a unanimous decision rather quickly, but if it had been a more complicated case, we would have had to come back the next day, or as long as it took, to reach a verdict, so we needed to be able to speak clearly and persuasively with each other.
It was interesting to get an inside look at how the jury system works and to be a part of the process. I was proud to have served my civic duty.
- Robin H., 42. University Librarian. Chicago, Illinois.
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