名人演讲| 甜到爆!一起来感受“乔嫂”教科书级的撒狗粮大招!

2018年07月03日 图南英语

上个月,美国电影协会(AFI)授予了乔治•克鲁尼(George Clooney)终身成就奖。

颁奖典礼上,作为嘉宾的“乔嫂”艾莫·克鲁尼(Amal Clooney),上台献上致辞。而这段致辞,堪称情话界的教科书、撒狗粮的典范!




列举完克鲁尼作为演员的卓越成就之后,“乔嫂”用思路清晰的排比段落,花式夸了一波 你所不知道的 乔治•克鲁尼



First, he is a gentleman. He is a gentleman in every sense of the word and in a way that seems so rare these days and perhaps even outdated.

in every sense of the word 在任何意义上




He is generous with his time. He finds out about people who have suffered the same health issues as him and he writes to give them advice.

He helps young people pursue their passion for film. He'll visit an elderly lady at our local nursing home as he thinks it will make her day.

pursue one's passion for film 追逐电影梦

make one's day 使某人开心


He has a big heart and he puts it into everything that he does, whether it’s making a movie, hosting a fundraiser or quite often these days, pranking our latest guest using a nappy and a pot of Nutella. 


But George is generous in traditional ways too, by donating money to causes he believes in and spoiling loved ones.

cause n. 原因\理由\事业\引起

spoiling loved ones 宠爱所爱的人




Third, George picks good fights. Even before I knew him, I admired George’s commitment to taking up causes like exposing corruption in Sudan before they were visible, and to taking moral stances like opposing the War in Iraq when it was far from popular to do so.

pick good fights 勇于挑战

when it was far from popular to do so 地道表达,当时这么做可不受欢迎\迎来无数炮轰

Recently, he worked with survivors of the Parkland school shooting on the campaign for gun control and he continues to mentor some of them today. He was even the UN’s Messenger of Peace, but the reality is he fights for what is right as a way of life.



To illustrate George's "moral conscience," Amal read out a letter from famed newsman Walter Cronkite who said that the actor had "character and "class" and also "a thoroughly admirable lunatic courage, diving off the high board without knowing if there's any water in the pool."



Amal ended the speech by revealing how before she had met George at the age of 35, she had "become quite resigned to the idea that I was going to be a spinster." She said that from those early days hiding from the press in her London flat she knew she "would never want to be with anyone else."



Five years later, none of that has changed. He is the person who has my complete admiration and also the person whose smile makes me melt every time.



On the subject of their children, Amal said that George fills their home with laughter and happiness even "before the children have worked out that ‘da-da’ is actually Batman, a talking fox and friends with Mary Poppins." She concluded that by reiterating her pride in his accomplishments that "when our children find out not only what you have done, but who you are, they will be so proud of you too."

而在说到孩子们时,艾莫说克鲁尼把家中填满了欢声笑语,幸福快乐,“‘爸比’是孩子们的蝙蝠侠,会说话的小狐狸魔法保姆的小伙伴。” 她在最后反复强调自己为克鲁尼的成就感到骄傲,“当我们的孩子们不仅仅看到你所做的,还能看到你是谁,他们也会为你而骄傲。”


看了“乔嫂”的演讲,小编真心被她的口才和满满的真情所打动。毕竟能让 好莱坞著名影星·万人迷·男神·“钻石王老五” 克鲁尼打破不娶誓言的女人,一定不简单!






 然而,让他打破誓言的就是这位“最美律政俏佳人”——艾莫•阿拉慕丁(Amal Alamuddin)。

For a man who was once thought to be an eternal bachelor, it sure didn't take George Clooney long to realize he wanted to be with Amal Alamuddin for life.

而艾莫之所以能成为“乔嫂”,当然不光因为颜高腿长。除了颜值能打,碾压一 众女星,艾莫还是一位高智商的学霸,开挂的人生赢家





Amal Clooney is a Lebanese-British barrister at Doughty Street Chambers, specialising in international law. Her clients include Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, in his fight against extradition. She has also represented the former prime minister of Ukraine, Yulia Tymoshenko. 

这位美女律师还曾围绕她的委托人纳蒂亚•穆拉德(Nadia Murad)的悲惨遭遇,在联合国站台讨伐ISIS。2014年,伊拉克雅兹迪族少女穆拉德的家园遭受种族灭绝后,她跟姐妹侄女被ISIS极端分子掳到摩苏尔的据点沦为性奴,那一年,她才19岁。 






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