2018 CIEO加拿大游学营:世界做课堂,游学促成长

2018年07月25日 加拿大国际教育集团























The City Centre of Victoria is very clean and beautifully developed. Children took a group photo in front of the Parliament buildings, it face the harbour which is filled with all kinds of boats. There is a promenade that goes along the ocean all through downtown. They explored the pair and ate Mexican seafood rolls and various kinds of sausages. You can see English-style wagons and street performers playing bagpipes and wearing kilts.

Afterwards they went to the Royal BC Museum and saw an exhibit about ancient Egypt. There were cultural relics on exhibit and historical information about British Columbia as well as Egypt. After lunch, the students saw an IMax movie at the museum. Then, they shopped in the Canadian souvenir shops and ate ice cream. The experiences were exhilarating for the students, a Victoria is a place filled with new and exciting sounds, tastes and sights.

The spelunking (caving) at the Horne Lake Caves. There are more than 3,000 caves, big and small, joined together in a magical underground labyrinth. The staff divided the children into three groups, each with a professional guide and a teacher to bring up the rear.

Before they entered the caves, the guide demonstrated how to use the safety helmet and safety light. They carefully checked each student’s ability to use the equipment. The children climb down into the first pot-hole adventure of their lives, passing through narrow crevices and into crystal caves where they had to crawl on their hands and feet.

After lunch, the students were taken to Parksville Beach. Some students made sand castles, some played in the ocean and everyone enjoyed the scenery. There were games to play and a playground. The weather was stupendous for a day at the beach. There was a cool ocean breeze and the sun shone all day.


At 2:15pm the students gathered for a speech. They hosted the graduation ceremony on Parksville beach. It was a very special setting and the children were awarded Canadian Public School Certificates and Souvenirs. They were very excited and grateful for the gifts. They got to take photos with their favourite teachers and many of them hope to see their teachers next year as well.

The next day the children arrived at Camp Pringle on Shawnigan Lake. The new group of Canadian students were showing up at 7pm so the students were able to eat pizza, chicken wings, apple juice and relax before the rest of the camp arrived. Students were split into groups with lots of Canadian kids. All the groups are mixed and sleep in bunk beds inside of little cabins. It is a very authentic experience for them.


In the morning students assemble and have breakfast. Then they have all been separated into groups with other kids, different from their bunkhouse groups. There are many activities that all take place around the Camp Pringle grounds. Firstly, there was a swimming test to gauge the swimming ability of all the campers.

The students learned a lot about teamwork, problem-solving and cooperation in the activities. The obstacle course ropes, for example, are nearly impossible without the support of your teammates. We encourage students to team up with Canadian kids so that they have lots of opportunities where they are forced to use their English abilities.


After the afternoon activities, the day ends with a free swim in the lake. All the students were ecstatic to spend more than an hour in the water after a long day in the sun. There is a slide and a diving board, tubes for floating and a beach for exploring. Swimming was certainly a highlight of the day.

After dinner, students took showers and met in the field for a big game of capture the flag. It is a lots fun and aims to tire out the students before bed. Then sing classic camp songs together. There was a lot of laughter in there sing-a-long.

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