
2018年07月23日 美国驻华大使馆

#美国夏季户外活动#趣味、速度、社交,极限飞盘(Frisbee)是我们今天的特色夏季户外活动。你知道吗?这个游戏一开始只是拿装派的锡盘来玩抛接游戏。生产派的是弗里斯比派公司(Frisbee Pie Company),派的名字也成为了游戏的名字。你玩过极限飞盘吗?说说你的体验!


#American Summer Outdoor Activities# Fun, fast, and social, ultimate Frisbee is our featured activity today on our list of summer outdoor activities.  Did you know that this game was originally played with a flat pie tin? The name of the pie maker was Frisbee Pie Company. The name of the pie became the name of the game. Have you ever played Ultimate Frisbee? Tell us your experience! 

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