时间:2018年8月1日周三19:00 –21:00
说到高等教育,美国提供了大量的机会。美国作为世界上一些最杰出且具有影响力的大学的故乡,也难怪很多人选择来这儿继续深造。虽然许多人承认常春藤盟校的名衔,但美国在多样性、视角、环境和其他最终影响学生成功的因素方面有更多的贡献。你如何才能为自己以及学生从5400多所学院和大学中找到合适的选择?8月1日(星期三)晚上7点到林肯厅(Lincoln Hall)来一探究竟。一位来自美国大学的访问代表将就如何在美国选择大学以及如何在大学中为取得成功做准备分享自己的建议。
注意:此讲座免费语言为英文,不设翻译。详情请登陆https://www.douban.com/event/30899644/ 登记参加。
Date:August1st, Wednesday 19:00–21:00
Venue:U.S.Consulate in Guangzhou, Lincoln Hall
When it comes to higher education, America offers anabundance of opportunities. Home to some of the most distinguished andinfluential universities in the world, it is no wonder why so many people arecoming to America to further their education. Although many people recognizethe prestigious names of major Ivy League schools, the U.S. has much more tooffer in terms of diversity, perspective, environment, and other factors thatwill ultimately affect a student’s success. How can you find the rightinstitution for yourself or your student with over 5,400 colleges and universitiesto choose from? Come to Lincoln Hall on Wednesday, August 1 at 7PM to find out.A visiting representative from a U.S. college will share advice and tips on howto select and prepare for success at American universities and colleges.
Note: This event is conducted in English and free of charge,please visit https://www.douban.com/event/30899644/for registration and more information if you are interested to attend.