【悉尼翻译学院SIIT】五周年特别奖学金 - $1,000

2014年04月22日 ACAE 澳洲留学辅导中心


SIIT 5th Anniversary Special Scholarship - $1,000

The pricing for all SIIT translating and interpretingcourses (excl. Advanced Diploma of Interpreting) is fixed at $6,950

Effective to every enrolmentfrom on 22nd April 2014, students will receive theirscholarship of $1,000 when they enrol in any of the following courses:

- Advanced Diploma of TranslatingEnglish and Chinese

- Diploma of InterpretingMandarin and English or Cantonese andEnglish

- Advanced Diploma of InterpretingMandarin and English(*original price isregistered as at $8,300)

The scholarship isawardable to every new student with full payment received before 30thJune 2014, with choice to enrol in any intake available within 2014.

此优惠从2014年4月22日开始,具体优惠条件请直接联系ACAE悉尼办公室02 92818133咨询。位置有限,大家抓紧时间!





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