2015.07.11 Academic Task 2 Sample Essay
Some people think it is no longer important to teach children the skill of handwriting. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Modern technology has altered many different aspects of life, but this is especially true of communication. While many daily tasks have become digitalized, some have come to question the usefulness of handwriting skills and whether or not they should still be taught. Personally, while handwriting is technically unnecessary, I believe it is still an important skill to pass on.
【现代的科技已经从方方面面改变了人们的生活,很多日常生活日常工作都已经被digitalized。(Digitalized这个词大家完全可以摘抄下来,写科技类文章的时候,这个词比improved这类词汇要确切的多). 作者个人的观点,是虽然从技术方面而言手写并不是必须的,但是作者还是觉得这是这个重要的技巧,也需要被继续传承下去。】
Technically speaking, modern technology is capable of replacing handwriting entirely. Gone are the days when money was paid with cheques, or when contracts needed to be signed by hand, and mobiles can be used to type or record notes of any kind. Nowadays, money is debited from bank accounts, and Australia has even passed laws to replace the old hand written signatures for approving credit card transactions with a digital pin number verification system. I know that I have also been approved for student loans, a formal debt agreement, using an e-signature.
【从技术方面来说,现代的技术完全可以取代传统手写。Gone are the days… 这个句型写的很漂亮,词句能力不错、能hold稍难语法的同学,可以考虑将这个句型加进自己的文章中,来取代in the past这类词组。作者巧妙的使用了一个日常生活中大家都能体会到的例子来说明科技取代手写—澳洲现在刷信用卡,都不能用Signature,而必须使用Digital Pin Number. 有理有据,解释的很清楚。】
Realistically speaking, handwritten notes can be much more convenient. There still exists a need for documents to be printed and physical records maintained. When goods are received, while it is possible to use a stamp to verify the receipt of goods, it is much simpler to sign with a pen. A clear example of the usefulness of handwriting can be seen from a graduation dinner I recently hosted. Guest speakers had speeches printed on paper and editing of the speeches was necessary on more than one occasion and it was simply easier and less wasteful to edit the speeches using handwritten notes.
【从现实方面来说,手写是比较方便的。讲完了技术方面,作者就从现实方面开始论证。分类清晰,逻辑清晰,方方面面都构思到,思路严谨。果不其然是一篇Band 8 + 的文章!~】
Moreover, handwritten notes convey a certain sense of sincerity. When sending a birthday card or thank you note, or when writing to a loved one, there is a personal and sincere message that is conveyed by hand. It is clear that any note can be printed, but the practice of writing by hand is one that still carries sentimental weight. I can still recall the look of appreciation and content on my partner’s face when reading a birthday card that I wrote for her.
【此外,手写还有另一个好处—真实的传递情感。这的确是一个很不错的论点!~ 手写的贺卡,会让对方感受到真实真切,而不是像机器打出来一样的冰冷毫无感情。这应该就是传说中的礼轻情意重吧!^.^ 】
In conclusion, while it is true that modern technology has technically removed a need for handwriting, it is still a practical skill that can save time and resources, while it can also be used to convey personal feelings not captured in less human forms of print.