
2015年07月01日 AEMS澳大利亚教育与移民服务





AEMS恭喜高女士187永居签证顺利获批! ---01/07/2015

Congratulations to Ms. Li successfully got 187 permanent visa approval! ---07/07/2015

Congratulations to Mr. He and his partner successfully got 572 student visa approval! ---20/06/2015

AEMS恭喜金先生573学生签证顺利获批! --18/06/2015

Congratulations to Mr. Jin successfully got student visa approval! ---18/06/2015

AEMS恭喜翟女士573学生签证顺利获批! --26/05/2015

Congratulations to Miss Zhai successfully got student visa approval! ---26/05/2015

AEMS恭喜李女士457签证顺利获批! --21/05/2015

Congratulations to Miss Li successfully got 457 visa approval! ---21/05/2015

Congratulations to Mr. Lui successfully got 485 visa approval! ---18/05/2015

AEMS恭喜孟先生(木工职位)457工作签证顺利获批! 15/05/2015

Congratulations to Mr. Meng (Carpenter position) successfully got 457 working visa approval! ---15/05/2015

AEMS恭喜女士及配偶187永久居民签证顺利获批! 23/05/2015

Congratulations to Ms. Zhang and her partner successfully got 187 permanent visa approval! ---23/05/2015

AEMS恭喜先生及配偶457工作签证顺利获批! 01/07/2015

Congratulations to Mr. Zhang and his partner successfully got 457 working visa approval! ---01/07/2015

AEMS恭喜先生全家457工作签证顺利获批! 25/06/2015

Congratulations to Mr. Huang and his family successfully got 457 working visa approval! ---25/06/2015

AEMS恭喜袁先生186永居签证顺利获批! ---01/05/2015

Congratulations to Mr. Yuan successfully got 186 permanent visa approval! ---01/05/2015

AEMS恭喜杨先生186永居签证顺利获批! ---03/06/2015

Congratulations to Mr. Yang successfully got 186 permanent visa approval! ---03/06/2015

AEMS恭喜余先生全家186永居签证顺利获批! ---01/05/2015

Congratulations to Mr. Yu and his family successfully got 186 permanent visa approval! ---01/05/2015

AEMS恭喜中国王先生全家187永居签证顺利获批! ---26/05/2015

Congratulations to Mr. Wang and his family successfully got 187 permanent visa approval! ---26/05/2015

AEMS恭喜女士485签证顺利获批! 23/06/2015

Congratulations to Ms. Luo successfully got 485 visa approval! ---23/06/2015

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