24% Engineering
12% Computer and Information Sciences
11% Interdisciplinary Studies
10% Business/Marketing
10% Visual and Performing Arts
7% Physical Sciences
6% Mathematics
5% Social Sciences
12991 在校学生总数Totalenrollment
6309 在校本科学生Totalundergrads
19812 本科申请人数Totalapplicants
2874 本科录取人数Admitted
1474 本科入学人数Enrolled
Very Important非常重要
Academic GPA高中平均分
Class rank
Rigor of secondary school record高中学业的难度
Standardized Test Scores--TOEFL,SAT/ACT成绩
Alumni Relation
Application Essay申请文书
Character/Personal Qualities个人特质
Extracurricular Activities课外活动
First generation college student
Level of applicant’s interest
Racial/Ethnic Status
Volunteer Work志愿者工作
Work Experience
Carnegie Mellon University is a privateinstitution that was founded in 1900. It has a total undergraduate enrollmentof 6,306, its setting is urban, and the campus size is 147 acres. It utilizes asemester-based academic calendar. Carnegie Mellon University's ranking in the2015 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, 25. Its tuition andfees are $48,786 (2014-15).
Carnegie Mellon University, founded byindustrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie, is located in Pittsburgh,which offers dining and entertainment options as well as professional sportsteams including the Penguins (hockey), Steelers (football) and Pirates (baseball).Only freshmen are required to live on campus, but the university guaranteeshousing for all four years, and the majority of students choose to remain oncampus. Nearly 20 percent of the student population is affiliated with Greeklife, which consists of more than 20 fraternities and sororities. The CarnegieMellon Tartans compete in NCAA Division III competitions, and the Kiltie Band,which sports full Scottish regalia, performs at every home football game.
Carnegie Mellon is known for its programsin science and technology, but its seven schools and colleges include a Collegeof Fine Arts and College of the Dietrich College of Humanities and SocialSciences. Its graduate programs include the highly rankedTepperSchool of Business, CarnegieInstitute of Technology andSchoolof Computer Science. Undergraduates at CarnegieMellon have the opportunity to participate in research and can even receivegrants or summer fellowships to support research in their field of study. RandyPausch, author of the New York Times best-selling book "The LastLecture," was a professor at Carnegie Mellon.
Carnegie MellonUniversity is a top-tier global research university that has been a birthplaceof innovation since its founding in 1900. Our award-winning faculty workclosely with students in the classroom and laboratory. Our groundbreakingresearch yields new discoveries that impact people's lives, and our studentsare recruited by some of the world's most innovative companies. In addition tocampuses in Pittsburgh, Silicon Valley and Qatar, Carnegie Mellon has programsin Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and Latin America. Carnegie Mellon alumni,faculty and students are known for their powerful combinations of intellectualstrength, creative spark, tireless work ethic and a commitment to problemsolving. Today, more than 95,000 alumni live and work around the world,embodying founder Andrew Carnegie's famous words, "My heart is in thework."
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