
2015年09月10日 墨尔本同城会


此项临时规定适用于Hoddle Grid地段和Southbank的部分区域(如图):

  • 新规规墨尔本是中心得容积率(总建面积与建筑用地面积的比值)被设定为24:1,也就是说,如果一所新建筑的用地面积为1,000平米的话,总面积不得超过24,000。

  • 此举是工党政府自执政以来在规划方面做出的重大改变,将会使得CBD地区众多高楼的批准受限。如果项目超出临时法律的规定范围之外,开发商将需要向规划厅长报备相关项目,就其对维州的重要性进行说明。

  • 作为新规的一部分,墨尔本市府也会在批准摩天大楼一事中占有一席之地,而这成为了自20世纪80年代以来的首例。市长道尔(Robert Doyle)对此表示了“大力拥护”。此外,维州政府还将CBD地区的部分地区推行强制性高度限制,并明确规定塔楼之间的距离,已及阴影和风的控制

For certain areas where a Design and Development Overlay previously imposed discretionary height controls (i.e. areas covered by DDO2, 7, 40, 60, and 62),these are now mandatory height controls;
For the rest of the Central City, applying (subject to specified exemptions) mandatory podium height and setback requirements with a discretionary site plot ratio control including requirements that:
  1. the maximum site plot ratio is not to exceed 24:1;

  2. the maximum plot ratio for blocks should generally not exceed 12:1; and

  3. towers above podiums must be setback a minimum of 5 metres to the street.

Previously discretionary controls to limit overshadowing to identified public spaces, such as Federation Square and the north bank of the Yarra River, have been made mandatory and new mandatory controls prohibiting overshadowing of the Shrine of Remembrance and its northern forecourt have been introduced;
Introducing wind analysis application requirements;
Making City of Melbourne a recommending referral authority for planning applications for developments with a gross floor area exceeding 25,000 square metres, for which the Minister for Planning is the Responsible Authority, within Schedules 1, 2 and 3 of the Capital City Zone.
作为新规的一部分,墨尔本市府也会在批准摩天大楼一事中占有一席之地,而这成为了自20世纪80年代以来的首例。市长道尔(Robert Doyle)对此表示了“大力拥护”。此外,维州政府还将CBD地区的部分地区推行强制性高度限制,并明确规定塔楼之间的距离。

1. 新的密度限制可能会显著减少墨尔本的未来楼盘的高度。如果建筑商在限制区内建房,他们的高度将限制在24楼层以内。如想建筑更高的楼盘,需要提供包括开放空间等在内的补偿区域。

2. 已经通过或正在审评中的开发申请项目将占据优势,可能导致未来的项目价格增涨。对于已申请下来的项目,对客户来说,这无疑是个好消息。

3. 我们会以专业的角度建议客户谨慎挑选适合的墨尔本的项目和对的开发商。










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