27% Social Sciences
18% Business/Marketing
14% Biology
8% Health Professions
8% Psychology
14513 在校学生总数Totalenrollment
7836 在校本科学生Totalundergrads
17681 本科申请人数Totalapplicants
4685 本科录取人数Admitted
1354 本科入学人数Enrolled
Very Important非常重要
Academic GPA高中平均分
Application Essay申请文书
Character/Personal Qualities个人特质
Extracurricular Activities课外活动
Rigor of secondary school record高中学业的难度
Standardized Test Scores--TOEFL,SAT/ACT成绩
Level of Applicant's Interest
Volunteer Work志愿者工作
Work Experience工作经历
Alumni Relation
Class Rank
First generation college student
Geographical Residence
Racial/Ethnic Status
State Residency
Emory University is a private institutionthat was founded in 1836. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 7,836, itssetting is urban, and the campus size is 630 acres. It utilizes asemester-based academic calendar. Emory University's ranking in the 2015edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, 21. Its tuition and fees are$45,008 (2014-15).
Emory University is located in the suburbof Druid Hills near downtown Atlanta. First- and second-year students arerequired to live on campus, but a majority of students choose to remain oncampus for all four years. The Student Programming Council organizes events andperformances throughout the year and has brought entertainers and musicianssuch as Tracy Morgan, Sean Kingston and Guster to campus in past years. Apopular organization among students is Volunteer Emory, which overseescommunity service activities. The Emory Eagles have nearly 20 NCAA Division IIIvarsity teams and are well known for their successful swimming and diving team.In addition to varsity athletics, all students are required to take two coursesin physical education. There is a thriving Greek community at Emory with anumber of fraternity and sorority chapters.
Emory is divided into nine schools andcolleges, four of which serve undergraduates and graduates. Emory’s graduateprograms include the highly ranked GoizuetaBusiness School, Schoolof Law,Schoolof Medicine, NellHodgson Woodruff School of Nursing andRollinsSchool of Public Health. "Dooley’sWeek," a tradition that takes place every year, is named for Dooley, askeleton and "Lord of Misrule" who remains steeped in Emory legend.Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, physician and CNN chief healthcorrespondent Sanjay Gupta and activist and Nobel Peace Prize winner DesmondTutu have all taught at Emory.
EmoryUniversity is known for demanding academics, outstanding undergraduateeducation in the arts and sciences, highly ranked professional schools andstate-of-the-art research. Emory encourages students to become fully engaged inthe classroom and beyond and to create their own learning experiences, with topfaculty committed to teaching and fostering undergraduate research in thesciences and humanities.
We havea diverse student body from all 50 states, the District of Columbia and over100 countries/ territories. Our students and faculty enjoy affiliations withand access to some of the most revered institutions in the world, includingYerkes National Primate Research Center, The Carter Center and the Centers forDisease Control and Prevention (CDC). Our student-athletes are among the bestin NCAA Division III sports, having recently won championships in Swimming& Diving and Tennis. Nationally competitive awards and honors recognizingEmory students include the Fullbright Fellowship, Goldwater Scholarship, LuceScholar, Marshall Scholarship, National Science Foundation Fellowship, NCAAPostgraduate Scholarship, and Rhodes Scholarship.
AtEmory, students have four primary options for their undergraduate education.Entering freshmen can apply to Emory College, which offers a liberal artseducation within the heart of a major research university. Students also canapply to Oxford College where they spend the first two years on Emory'soriginal campus 38 miles east of Atlanta, transferring in their junior year tothe Atlanta campus. Oxford and Emory College students can apply for junior yearadmission to the renowned Goizueta Business School to earn a bachelor ofbusiness administration. They can apply also to the Nell Hodgson WoodruffSchool of Nursing, one of the nation's top private nursing schools. As EmoryCollege juniors, students can choose from 71 majors, including 15interdisciplinary programs, and from more than 57 minors.
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