温馨提示: 点击上方新西兰昇泰移民留学,一键加关注
┃建筑师 Architect
┃大律师或律师 Barrister or solicitor
┃脊椎指压治疗者 Chiropractor
┃临床牙科技术员 Clinical dental technician
┃牙科治疗师 Clinical dental therapist
┃牙科保健师 Dental hygienist
┃牙科技术员 Dental technician
┃牙科治疗师 Dental therapist
┃牙科医生 Dentist
┃营养师 Dietitian
┃眼镜配制技师 Dispensing optician
┃汽车电工 Electrician
┃电气维修技师 Electrical service technician
┃登记护士 Enrolled nurse
┃线路机修工 Line mechanic
┃医学实验室的科学家/技术人员 Medical laboratory scientist/technologist
┃医务化验员 Medical laboratory technician
┃医生 Medical practitioner
┃医疗放射技师 Medical radiation technologist
┃护士和助产士 Nurses and midwives
┃职业治疗师 Occupational therapist
┃验光师 Optometrist
┃整骨疗法家 Osteopath
┃药剂师 Pharmacist
┃物理治疗师 Physiotherapist
┃管工,煤气工和渠工 Plumber, gas fitter and drain layer
┃足科医生 Podiatrist
┃心理学家 Psychologist
┃房地产代理 Real estate agent
┃土地(土地产权)测量师 Cadastral (Land Title) Surveyor
┃教师 Teacher
┃兽医 Veterinarian
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