独立生活服务中心(Independent Living Service)关爱华人健康,将于2015年举办一系列健康知识讲座。第四期是关于冬季中医健康养生的知识讲座。由著名注册中医师主讲,机会难得。
地点:独立生活服务中心会议室(Independent Living Service)
14 Erson Ave, Royal Oak
请致中文直拨热线电话09 625 0312报名,座位有限。若电话无人接听,请直接留下您的姓名和联系方式。
Independent Living Service (ILS) is organizing a series of health topicrelated workshops for the Chinese community in 2015. The fourth topic for July workshopis on Health care and Health protection. The speaker is Famous Chinese HerbsDoctor from Auckland.
Time and date: 1-2pm 18th July2015
Location: Conference room, IndependentLiving Service
14 Erson Ave, Royal Oak
For more information, please ring 09 625 0312 for registration, seatingis limited. If the phone is not answered, please leave your name and contactdetails on the answer phone.