Almost 9.5 million high school students in China have just finished possibly the most important exam of their lives.
The annual National College Entrance Exams -- or gaokao -- are the only way to get into college. Failure means no degree, poorer job prospects and possibly a life of regret.
每年如期举行的高考(National College Entrance Exams)是进入大学的唯一途径。落榜便意味着拿不到学位,职业前景渺茫而且很可能悔恨一生。
Different essay questions were set for different regions, and accounted for around one third of total test result.
How would you answer them? You have 60 minutes* No cheating.
1. Write an essay on either of the topics in no fewer than 700 words:
a) There are numerous heroes in Chinese history who set examples. Please write an essay with the title "If I were given a chance to spend a day with my hero." Select a hero and imagine spending a day with him/her.
b) For what object you have a "passion deep in the soul?" You can choose a plant, an animal or autensil to write about.
National version A used in 5 provinces:
After a girl failed to dissuade her father from making phone calls while driving on a highway, she called the police. The police came and educated her father. A huge social outcry followed. Please write a letter based on the given information to the daughter, the father or the police officer, in no fewer than 800 words.
National version B used in 13 provinces:
Please write an essay on the following:
Who do you think is the most glamorous person? A biotechnologist who led his company in international research, an ordinary welder who gained international fame through his work, or a photographer complimented widely for a series of photos?
Everybody has tough and soft spots in his/her heart. Whether you can reach an inner harmony depends on how you balance the toughness and softness. Please choose an angle and write an essay on this topic in 800 words or more.
人的心中总有一些坚硬的东西,也有一些柔软的东西,如何对待它们,将关系到能否造就和谐的自我。请自选角度,自拟题目,写一篇不少于800字的文章。 Sichuan 四川卷 An honest person may not be smart, yet a smart person may not have true wisdom. Please write an essay in no fewer than 800 words on this topic. 老实的未必聪明,聪明的未必真聪明。老实的聪明,聪明的未必真聪明。以此为话题,写一篇不少于800字的文章。 Chongqing 重庆卷 After getting on a bus, a little boy asked the bus driver to wait for his mother. A minute passed and the mother didn't show up. Passengers complained loudly and the boy was brought to tears. When the mother finally caught up with the bus, everybody went silent -- she is disabled. Write an essay in 800 words or more based on the given information. 一个刚上车的小男孩请公交司机等一等他妈妈,过了一分钟,孩子妈妈还没到,车上乘客开始埋怨,说母子俩耽误了大家时间。这时,那位腿有残疾的母亲一瘸一拐地上了车,所有人都沉默了。结合材料的内容和含意,写一篇不少于800字的作文。 Fujian 福建卷 Please write an essay based on three sentences given: 根据这3句话,写一篇作文 a) Originally there was no path in this world, but after many who have walked upon it, a path came into being. 1. 世上本没有路,走的人多了也便成了路。 b) Even if you choose a wrong way to go, it's a meaningful one anyway. 2. 即使你走的路是错的,但是也很有意义。 c) There's no path in the world that you can't walk upon; there are only people who dare not step on it. 3. 世上没有不能走的路,只有不敢走的人。