
2015年11月27日 美国驻华大使馆




Friday, December 4 / 124日星期 18:30 – 20:30


安远远 中国美术馆副馆长

焦小健 中国当代著名艺术家

马树青 当代著名艺术家




地点:北京美国中心,朝阳区呼家楼京广中心 2801


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鲍蓓, 艺术家。祖籍徽州, 80年代就读于中央美术学院版画系, 毕业之后曾任职于中国文化部艺术局和中国艺术研究院《中国美术报》,87年移居美国纽约。纽约作为世界当代艺术的前沿阵地,从六、七十年代出现了各种新型流派:观念、波普、涂鸦等艺术,到了八十年代之后,由于美国经济的迅速发展,美国收藏界对艺术的投资促使艺术回到传统绘画上,此时美国的新表现主义、新抽象主义绘画应运而生。当年在中国学习艺术主要为意识形态服务,如今十五个春秋她直接感受经历西方最前沿的艺术动态,巨大的文化冲击让这位极具独立和叛逆精神的年轻女性陷入了深深的沉思:作为美籍华人艺术家的自我价值和认同感在哪里?她开始从绘画中寻找答案。






Blossom Wall & Flying Dust: Bao Pei PaperArtworks Solo Exhibition

Bao Pei, born in Anhui Province, studied in theWood-carving Department at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing in theearly 1980s. After graduation, she briefly worked for the art bureau in theMinistry of Culture, and at the “Fine Arts in China” journal. In 1987,she moved to New York City. As the center of world contemporary artsince the 1960s and 1970s, New York witnessed various new forms of contemporaryart, such as Conceptual, Pop, and Graffiti, to name a few. With the robusteconomic growth of the 1980s, the demand of art investment by Americancollectors drove the art world back to the traditional fine arts; as a result,Neo-expressionist and Neo-abstract painting were born. During her years ofstudying art in China, her goal was to serve ideology; however, after 15 yearsin New York, witnessing in person the most Avant-garde Western art movements,this huge cultural shock put this extremely independent and rebellious youngwoman into a deep contemplation: As a Chinese American artist, where is her ownvalue and self-identity? She started to search for the answer from herpaintings.

In 2002, she decided to return to China. Fromwood-carving painting to oil painting, from oil to paper, for over 13 years shehas never stopped painting while contemplating life and art. First, sherambled between New York and her hometown in China; the blood connection urgedher to seek the roots of culture from her ancestral home in Huizhou. Meanwhile,she extensively researched classical landscape ink painting; in combinationwith her comprehensive understanding of Western abstract painting, she kept onexperimenting and refusing to be complacent, which reflected her attitude ofpursuing perfection. Art creation is also a process of self- cultivation; shetouches on the ultimate question of life, exploring the philosophy in ZenBuddhism, while combining the fusion of East and West, the rational andirrational into her painting. As the art historian Dr. Shang Hui wrote, a"naturally floated ink brush in Huizhou style, the coolness of Zhejiang,the leisurely freedom of Shi Tao, and the spiritual beauty of Meiqing -- youcould find these expressions in a new form from her seemingly abstractstructure and imaginative color." From her earlier oil paintings,one could find the influence of many Western masters, such as Gerhard Richter'swall, Anselm Kiefer's stroke, as well as Mark Rothko's bold color.

In recent years, her paper artwork achieved abreakthrough in transforming and integrating various media. With the spirit ofChinese ink painting, the distinguished layer of oil painting, as well as thefundamental material technique of wood-carving, her painting conveys heraffection for humanity, and an escalation in spirit; her new works, such as“New York Rain” and “Anywhere,” are the most representational pieces.

“Blossom Wall & Flying Dust” shows theachievements of Bao Pei’s recent experimental paper artworks. “Blossom Wall& Flying Dust” seems like memory; being realist or abstract is all aboutone moment. As per the interpretation by the artist, “one moment” means neitherbefore nor after, neither near nor far, but the present. When we experiencetime and space, getting together can be like “one moment”.

By Catherine Cheng, curator


安远远, 中国美术馆副馆长

Ms. An Yuanyuan is Deputy Director of National Art Museum of China.

Born in 1965, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province.

Graduated from the CentralAcademy of Fine Arts in 1988, having majored in art history, she worked for the Art Bureau in the Ministry of Culture, specializing incurating contemporary art with a focus on researching aesthetic development andmuseum management. She held the position of Section Chief of the Aesthetic and Literature Department inthe Ministry of Culture, and the board member of the 8thCouncil of the China Artist Association.

焦小健, 中国当代著名艺术家



中国美术学院教授, 博士生导师, 中国美术学院艺术现象学研究所副所长

中国美协油画艺委会委员, 中国油画学会理事

Mr. Jiao Xiaojian is a renowned contemporaryartist.

Born in 1956 in Wuhu, Anhui Province.

Graduated from the China Academy of Fine Arts in1989 with an MA in oil painting.

Professor for PhD students and Deputy Director ofthe Art Institution of the China Academy of Fine Arts.

Member of Oil Painting Art Committee of the ChinaArt Association and board member of the China Oil Painting Academy.

马树青, 当代著名艺术家, 是目前中国非常活跃于世界大舞台的艺术家
出生于天津, 现居北京、巴黎
作品《嫁女》入选第六届全国美展并评为优秀作品, 获第一届中国油画展优秀作品奖
年移居法国,生活工作在巴黎 普罗旺斯

Mr. Ma Shuqing is a renownedcontemporary artist, one of the most active Chinese artists in the world.

Born in Tianjin, currentlyresides in Beijing and Paris. Graduated from Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in1976.

His artwork “Married Woman” wonthe outstanding prize of the Sixth National Art Exhibition and the First NationalOil Painting Exhibition.

Studied at the Munich Academy ofFine Arts in 1989 on a scholarship, and majored in free-form painting.

Moved to France in 1994, lived andworked in Paris and Provence.

Returned to China in 2003, livesand works in Beijing

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