
2015年12月01日 美国留学顾问Lilly

Kristen 是她高中学校毕业典礼致辞的代表 (一般是成绩最好的学生,同时她也是乐队队长,管乐合奏团的主要单簧管手,全国荣誉协会主席,数学荣誉协会副主席,科学荣誉协会秘书。她曾参加建筑实习和西点军校暑期领导力研讨会。

ACT 29 SAT 1950
阅读 650 数学 690 写作 610
高中GPA Weighted 5.665 (满分4.0)

录取学校: 麻省理工学院 (入读),布朗大学,卡耐基梅龙大学,康奈尔大学,乔治亚理工学院,西北大学,罗斯哈曼理工学院,杜兰大学,西点军校,密歇根大学,迈阿密大学,圣母大学,德州大学奥斯丁分校,南佛罗里达大学,华盛顿圣路易斯大学

不录取学校: 哥伦比亚大学,哈佛大学,约翰霍普金斯大学,普林斯顿大学,莱斯大学,斯坦福大学,宾夕法尼亚大学,耶鲁大学
Topic: Describe the world you come from, for example your family, clubs, school, community, city or town. How was that world shaped your dreams and aspirations?

Every afternoon as I leave the school parking lot, I pop in my favorite CD by clarinetist, Benny Goodman. I listen to “Seven Come Eleven” and “Clarinetitis”, which help relieve my stress. The music is upbeat. I tap my feet and I block out the world.

I was so excited when I received my first clarinet at the age of 11. I was familiar with music because I played piano, but I wanted to play the clarinet as well. Playing a woodwind instrument and interacting with other band students seemed thrilling. I wouldn’t even take any clarinet out of the case until a professional instructed me how to do so. I opened the case and stared at the black, shiny clarinet and was mesmerized. It was just too fragile and beautiful to touch until my band director showed me how to put it together the second week of school.

I continued my clarinet studies in high school because I enjoyed playing in an ensemble. In marching band camp most of the seniors were also in jazz band, which played gigs wherever they could find an audience. I became friends with them and we would all hang out after practice and listen to jazz music. It really sparked my interest because I wasn’t familiar with big band or swing music. That is where I first heard Benny Goodman.

Neither of my parents sing or play an instrument so they don’t understand the origin of my musical talent. When I was three I began asking for a piano, but my parents thought it would be better if I waited until I was able to read music. Also, my Mother didn’t want me to learn to play through the Suzuki method; a method used to mimic sounds instead of reading music, and then have to relearn later through musical notation. My Mother wanted to wait and see if I was still as enthusiastic about playing piano and dedicated to music in a couple of months. When I was four, to appease me, my Grandmother gave me a keyboard and finally my parents provided piano lessons. I practiced those tedious, seemingly pointless exercises all week, but later I discovered their purpose.
I loved to practice. If I hit the wrong note, I started over again from the very beginning of the piece. I have come a long way. I now play clarinet solos composed by Mozart and Weber. I get out of the car and I run in my house after listening to Benny Goodman and pick up my clarinet to play. When I do my homework, Benny Goodman is often playing in the background. Even as I write this, Benny Goodman still plays in my head. Whether I’m playing or listening, studying or vacationing, music is an important part of my life.
申请支招: 布朗大学

申请支招: 康奈尔大学
在此,任何人都可以找到任何学习领域的指导,为每个人创造机会。 学校招收善于利用高中课程并有突出学术成就的学生。

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