A plus澳洲移民,We are 伐木累 !本期赞助:慢摇吧,妹子热烈庆祝跑男来到澳洲,虽然比爸爸们晚了点,但是 We are 伐木累!EA将接受托福成绩自2016年1月1日起,澳大利亚工程师协会(EA)在进行技术移民职业评估中将接受托福网考(IbT)成绩。南澳州担保名单配额更新11月24日,南澳(SA)移民局更新了职业配额,相隔一个月时间有16个职业配额降低。 132111 Corporate Services Manager 降为Low Availability 133512 Production Manager (Manufacturing)降为 Medium Availability 135111 Chief Information Officer降为Low Availability 223211 ICT Trainer 降为Medium Availability 232214 Other Spatial Scientist降为 Medium Availability 242211 Vocational Education Teacher(Non-Trades) 降为 Low Availability 261311 Analyst Programmer 降为 Special Conditions Apply 261399 Software and ApplicationsProgrammers nec降为 Special Conditions 263112 Network Administrator 降为 Special ConditionsApply 263112 Network Administrator降为 Special ConditionsApply 271299 Judicial and Other LegalProfessionals nec降为 Special ConditionsApply 312312 Electrical EngineeringTechnician 降为 Medium Availability 312412 Electronic EngineeringTechnician 降为 Low Availability 321212 Diesel Motor Mechanic降为 MediumAvailability 323211 Fitter (General) 降为 MediumAvailability 323214 Metal Machinist (First Class)降为 Medium AvailabilityOrana担保重新开放NSW偏远地区Orana在11月18日关闭了所有职业后,又在本月20日重新开放,开放的职业可以在NSW 489最新清单上查看。 On the 18th of November 2015 Regional Development Australia Orana (RDAO) temporarily shut its doors to any new applications for nomination for sponsorship under the Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489) stream. RDAO is very close to nearing its cap for nominations under the programme, which is governed by the NSW Department of Industry and Federal Department of Immigration and Border Protection. As of the 20th of November RDAO will again open for applications however, the Regional Skilled Occupation List and application process have changed.11月6号邀请结果本轮发放1150份189邀请,20份489邀请。489最低邀请分数为65,189为60. 热门职业分数:2211 Accountants 类职业邀请分数依然高达70分。2611 ICT Business and System Analysts 和2613 Software and Applications Programmers 计算机类最低邀请分数为65分。 189邀请日期截止到2015.9.11号。489邀请日期截止到2015.10.7号。APlus致力于提供性价比最高的移民服务,对每一个客户都订制最适合的方案,并承诺每一个客人的案子都由澳洲注册移民代理亲手处理。 专业 — 澳洲注册移民代理提供专业的移民,留学,就业意见 热情 — 关注细节,确保每一份材料准确合理,每一个政策最新适用 态度 — 为每一个客人提供多种适合方案,并提供入境前的培训和入境后的安居指导 诚信 — 移民信息公开透明,分步收费 A PLUS网站会不定时更新,提供最全最新的移民资讯,我们愿意帮助DIY申请人,请持续关注网站,获得最新的资讯! 邮件:[email protected] 电话(澳洲):+61 08 6113 0406 微信:itsme_andrew QQ:3115828679点击阅读原文了解更多详情