【赴美旅游】– 公路旅行

2015年12月01日 美国驻华大使馆


要了解真正的美国,一个很棒的方法就是进行一次“公路旅行”。公路旅行通常被认为是典型的美国消遣方式 ——美国的州际公路系统让公路旅行容易很多。

1956年艾森豪威尔总统制定了联邦资助公路法令 —— 一项将当时的美国州际公路系统拓展十倍的法规。现在可以开车到达每一个主要的美国大陆城市。






#TraveltoAmerica – The Road Trip

With the Chinese New Year upon us, this month we want you to consider traveling to the United States. Follow our #TraveltoAmerica campaign as we highlight different places of interest across the USA.

A great way to see the real America is to take a “road trip.” The “road trip” is often thought to be the quintessential American pastime - it is much easier because of the interstate highway system in the United States.

In 1956 President Eisenhower enacted the Federal-Aid Highway Act - a statute that expanded the existing American interstate system tenfold. It is now possible to travel by car to every major continental US city.

Where would you want to drive in America? If you are interested in driving across the USA pick a route and refer to these helpful links.

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