【北京美国中心活动】3 月29日,周二晚6:30,美国总统选举讲座:妇女怎样赢得选举权?(需要预约)

2016年03月23日 美国驻华大使馆











The program will be conducted in English. 

Today, America’s democracy is based on the principle that all of its citizens deserve an equal right to vote for government officials.  But did you know that, before 1920, most women in America did not have the right to vote?  Winning the right to vote was an epic struggle that required amending the Constitution and convincing America’s powerful male politicians that women deserved an equal voice in the governing of the United States.  How did a group of brave activists lead a movement to forever change the way Americans view women?

Please join us at the Beijing American Center, where a diplomat from the American Embassy will talk about the history of the movement to grant women the right to vote, which is called the “suffrage movement.”  This topic is very relevant today, since in the U.S. presidential election this November, more than half of the voters will be women.  Our host will talk about the issues that American women voters care about most, and how women voters will help decide who becomes the next President of the United States.

This program is not suitable for children under 6.

NOTE: This event is open to the general public.  Audio or video recording of the program will not be permitted.  Press inquiries should be directed to the U.S. Embassy Press Office.

You must bring a valid photo ID in order to get into our Center.  No large bags will be allowed into the Beijing American Center (BAC) for this event. 

For security reasons, the BAC staff reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone. 

地点:朝阳区呼家楼京广中心 2801室北京美国中心 
Location: Jing Guang Center, Suite 2801, Hu Jia Lou, Chaoyang District. 

Directions: Metro Line 10 or 6, Hu Jia Lou Exit D, walk south one block to the JingGuang Center. 

Follow us on the Embassy’s WeChat by searching USEmbassyChina.

For more BAC event information, follow us on DOUBAN: http://site.douban.com/127124

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