
2014年06月10日 澳洲大众地产投资集团

卫报: 新州政府将在悉尼西北再释放6600块土地建新房子

在上周末,新州州长Mike Baird宣布,政府将再度在悉尼西北区释放州政府的土地,让悉尼市民们购买,并起新房子。


在周六,州长Mike Baird来到悉尼西北区视察并宣布,政府间释放这些区域的大片土地,让市民们购买和起房子:

1. Marsden Park North

2. Richmond

3. Blacktown


其中Marsden Park是一个全新的区域,这里将允许建设4000间新房子。

Marsden Park非常靠近目前正在兴建的悉尼西北铁路。


周六,Mike Baird州长说,目前悉尼西区和西北区房地产行业蓬勃发展,州政府在三个地方释放出6600块新土地,来让市民们购买和建设新房子间,这有助于缓解人们对房子的需求压力。



另外上周,财政厅长Andrew Constance也透露,在下周公布的财政预算案中, 将首次置业补贴的上限提高10万到75万澳元。

Land for 6,600 new homes released in north-west Sydney

State government will extend eligibility criteria for a first home owner grant by $100,000

The NSW government has freed land for 6,600 new homes in Sydney's north-west and will extend a first home owner grant in next week's budget.

Land at Marsden Park North, Richmond and Blacktown has been released or rezoned for housing, Premier Mike Baird announced on Saturday.

The Marsden Park land has space for 4,000 new homes and is close to where the north west rail link is being built, while the land at Blacktown is on an old golf course.

"In western Sydney there is a massive housing boom occurring and the unlocking of up to 6,600 new housing lots at three sites will boost housing supply and make homes more affordable," Mr Baird said in a statement.

The government claims 100,000 new homes have been built across NSW since the March 2011 election.

Treasurer Andrew Constance also announced that next week's state budget would extend eligibility criteria for a first home owner grant by $100,000.

It means first-time buyers who purchase new properties worth up to $750,000 will qualify for the $15,000 payment. The previous threshold was $650,000.

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