圣帕特里克节 Dear Children

2016年03月21日 加拿大国际教育集团

这是一个关于圣帕特里克节(St. Patrick's Day)的故事。一天旭景加拿达中英文幼儿园的孩子们收到一封来自小精灵的信,它说,如果按照它提供的线索去寻找就能找到它,于是,孩子们出发了。

One day, Sunny kindergarten children received a letter from the Leprechaun; the letter provides clues how to find him at the end of the Rainbow. Then, the children set out. 


The first clue was to follow the rainbow, the children looked everywhere; on the grass, in the car, under the car, in the trees and even on their head. If you find the rainbow, you also found the treasure; 


The second clue was to go to the balloon, and then you can find a clover; clover will give you the location of the tiniest man that ever lived. It’s a difficult task but I know you all are very clever. 


Finally they found the Mr. Clever Leprechaun, As You can see, they are singing and dancing together, playing different games including a magic show. Wow, the water turned green with magic. Children, how lucky you are to be in the world of fairy tales. Sunny Kindergarten is a happy place to be there.

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