
2016年07月04日 美国房产与投资移民

75日周二18:30 [美领馆留学讲座]美国教育及师范类学校申请

Tuesday,July 5, 18:30  [EducationUSA Presents]Education and Teaching Schools inthe U.S.

国拥有很多顶尖的教育及师范类高等学校。在上海美国中心和EducationUSA举办的本场资源说明会上,我们请到了纽约大学阿布扎比分校大一项目副主任Samantha Neugebauer,来为大家介绍美国教育及师范类大学的申请、实习以及毕业后的工作机会等等。此外,EducationUSA教育专员、宾夕法尼亚大学教育学院毕业的Xie Pianpian也会和大家分享她的学习经验。 

Did you know the United States is one of thebest places on earth for education studies and teacher training? To explorethis topic, EducationUSA is proud to host Samantha Neugebauer, AssistantDirector for First Year programming at NYU Abu Dhabi, for a talk on U.S.education schools, applications, internships and job opportunitiespost-graduation. EducationUSA Advisor Xie Pianpian, who graduated from theEducation School at the University of Pennsylvania, will also share herexperiences studying education at a well-regarded U.S. college. 

(讲座会用英文进行,无翻译。This event will be conducted in English.)



7月7日 周四 18:30  [美领馆电影夜]《竞争者》

Thursday,July 7, 18:30  [Movie Night @ShAC]The Contender


次电影夜活动中,上海美国中心将会放映2000年出品的美国政治电影《竞争者》(The Contender),影片讲述了美国副总统在突然去世后,由JeffBridges扮演的美国总统提名由Joan Allen扮演的俄亥俄州民主党参议员Laine Hanson为候选人,如果当选的话,她将成为美国历史上第一位女性副总统。然而Hanson很快受到了来自于华盛顿各个方面特别是保守派们的攻击,其大学时代的一些旧事也被翻出来,引起了轩然大波。影片放映前,会有一位外交官介绍该片,并在放映后带领观众进行讨论。


Come to the Shanghai American Center for ascreening of the political drama film The Contender. This 2000 film focuses ona fictional United States President (played by Jeff Bridges) and the eventssurrounding his appointment of a new Vice President following the sudden deathof the current VP. The President decides to appoint a woman to the vicepresidency and nominates Laine Hanson (played by Joan Allen), a talentedDemocratic senator from Ohio, but information and disinformation about her pastsurfaces that threatens to de-rail her confirmation… An American diplomat willintroduce the film and lead a discussion after the screening.


(影片片长126分钟,英文对白,英文字幕。Thismovie is 126 minutes long and is in English with English subtitles.)


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