之前就有骗子假装UKVI打电话让留学生交£1200-£1520罚金,骗子电话:020 703504848,可怕的是那个骗子知道学生的所有签证信息,包括护照号码、全名和英国邮编,UKVI提醒各位小伙伴他们不会用这种方式让学生交钱。
Home Office发来的提醒邮件原文:
Dear Susan,
We have been made aware of the following scam which targets Tier 4students whereby the student receives a telephone call from an individual who fraudulently purports to represent the Home Office.
The caller instructs the student to verify their telephone number 020 7035 4848 on the www.gov.uk website, search for Home Office, and then scroll down to the bottom of the screen so that they can verify that the caller is calling from the genuine Home Office number. The caller ID on the student’s mobile does show this number.
The caller is in possession of the students full name, postcode in the UK and passport number, and asks the student to confirm those details are correct.
They then proceed to tell the student they have not paid for an immigration service and, as a result, have to pay a fine (usually £1200-£1520) or they will be reported to the Police or the Home Office who will detain or deport them.
Students who have been targeted have reported that the fraudsters become increasingly insistent and verbally aggressive resulting in them feeling coerced in to making payment.
UKVI will not contact students in this manner and we recommend that your students are warned about such criminal activities
Tier 4 Sponsor Premium CustomerService Team
格拉斯哥大学官方推特号都发文了,已证实部分同学有收的是SCAM email诈骗邮件,格大是不会向学生索取银行个人信息的,都长点儿心吧。