
2016年12月23日 西南美国商会


AmCham Annual General Meeting and 20 Years Anniversary New Year Celebration


Event Description

    中国西南美国商会将于2017年1月10日周二晚举行美国商会年终大会暨二十周年新春庆典。200余位莅临来宾包括中国西南地区500强公司的总经理、跨国公司CEO、西南区域商业领袖、名流政要、主流媒体、各大领事馆官员们 以及西南美商会美资企业代表齐聚一堂。

AmCham Southwest Annual General Meeting and 20 Years Anniversary New Year Celebration will be held on January 10th, Tuesday evening, 2017. There are currently over 200 confirmed attendees including representatives from the top companies operating in Southwest China, CEOs from Fortune 500 companies, major media and officers of foreign Consulates in Chengdu.


Event Summary

1. 作为美国商会商务层面最高的盛会,本次盛会旨在回顾美商会2016年的发展历程,并参选或投票选出2017年理事会成员。200余位世界500强企业高管包括甲骨文、特斯拉、戴尔、捷普科技、英特尔、美联航、摩根大通、汇丰、花旗银行、毕马威、通用电气、雪佛龙等等将出席选举投票;

2. 世界、本土知名企业商业领袖和首席代表将出席;

3. 现场中西合璧的精彩节目,婀娜多姿的儿童芭蕾秀、妙趣叠生的川剧变脸,衣袂飘飘的水袖舞蹈、古典摇滚的乐队表演等为您带来新年来临之际最华丽的视觉盛宴 ;

4. 五星级酒店大厨和精品餐厅提供的饕餮自助大餐,品类纷繁的诱人美食和饮品;

5. 现场数轮价值超过5W的幸运抽奖,绝对够分量;(包括美国联合航空、海南航空赞助的数张中美往返机票以及首屈一指的成都市五星级酒店、公寓的房券和自助餐券)

6. 更有美商会及赞助商提供的伴手礼,数量有限,即到即得

1. One of AmCham’s most important and highest-caliber events to present annual reports of 2016 AmCham events and to decide the formation of new 2017 Board of Governors voted by  Fortune Global 500’s CEOs and managers, such as Oracle, Tesla, Dell, Jabil, Intel, United airlines, JP Morgan, HSBC,Citibank, KPMG, PWC and GE and Chevron.

2. International and local well-known enterprises representatives’ participation.

3. On-site programs with a combination of  Chinese and Western elements , such as children’s ballet, Sichuan face-changing opera, a fabulous twirl performance, live band performances,

4. Five-star hotel’s rich buffet dinner with various and inviting gourmet food and beverages,

5. On-site lucky draws with prizes valued at more than RMB50000, including China-US return flight tickets sponsored by United Airlines and Hainan Airlines as well as room and buffet vouchers from prestigious five-star hotels in Chengdu,

6. Nice New Year gifts offered by AmCham and sponsors.



1.   6:00-6:30 pm 签到

2.   6:30-7:30 pm 理事会述职和竞选

3.   7:00-9:30 pm 晚宴、节目表演、幸运抽奖、商务交流

1.   6:00-6:30pm Check in 

2.   6:30-7:30pm BOG presentation and lection 

3.   7:00-9:30pm Dinner, performance, lucky draws and networking


Event Info

日期/Date: Jan.10, 2017 18:00-21:30



Add: Shouzuo 1, 5th floor, Chengdu Marriott Hotel Financial Centre,

No.999 Tianfu Avenue North, High-Tech Zone Chengdu

票价:200元/会员; 350元/非会员

Price:200 RMB for member; 350 RMB for Non-member

预定 RSVP: [email protected] or 28. 8526 8761


Sponsors of 2016 AmCham Annual General Meeting 

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