时间:12月10日 14:00-15:00
Place : Intersection of Chuangxin Ave. and Fuxing Rd., High-Tech Zone,Hefei
Risng Star China Chemistry Challenge(RSC3)
will starts at our school
This Year
8 students from CISH will participate
合肥加拿大国际学校共有8位 学生参赛
28 students from SCCSH will participate
合肥高新中加学校共有28位 学生参赛
Wish all students achieve good grades.
----------Schedule 考试日程----------
比赛简介 Challenge Introduction
英国皇家化学学会主办的化学竞赛“ Top of the Bench”至今有20年的历史,是英国中学历史最长,覆盖范围最广,最受欢迎的理科竞赛之一。为了适应中国国际学校的学生水平和组织形式,英国皇家化学学会基于“ Top of the Bench”的比赛形式和命题规则,专门针对中国地区学生组织了“化学新星挑战赛”。该赛事由英国皇家化学学会命题和评审,官方对结果予以认证,进入决赛优胜者将有机会获得英国皇家化学学会权威会员推荐和获得国际顶级中学生科学活动邀请。
Organizer Introduction (Royal Society of Chemistry(RSC))
总部位于伦敦市中心,1848 年获得英国皇家宪章,1972 年四个著名的英国化学学术机构化学学会、分析化学学会、皇家化学协会和法拉第学会开始合并,并在 1980 年成立新的英国皇家化学学会。 RSC 拥有 3 万多名会员,汇聚了 130 多个国家化学界的著名科学家和化学研究人员,为全球最有影响力的化学学术组织之一。
Headquarters is located in central London, and awarded the royal charter in 1848. The four famous chemistry British academic institutions - Chemical Society, Analytical Chemistry, The Royal Society of Chemistry and Faraday Society merged and established a new British Royal Society in 1980. RSC has more than 30000 members, and has brought together more than 130 famous scientists and chemical researchers. RSC is one of the world's most influential chemistry academic organizations.
比赛规则 Competition Rules
1. 考试语言 Language
英语 English
2. 组队方式 Team Rules
以 4 人为一个团队比赛,每个团队必须包涵 2 至 4 名低年级学生,以及 0 至 2 名高年级学生。例如可以是 4 名低年级学生、或 3 名低年级学生加 1 名高年级学生、或 2 名低年级学生加 2 名高年级学生,但是团队不能够有 3 名或者4 名高年级学生。
(低年级:AP10年级,高一年级,GCSE 的 G1/G2 年级,IB10 年级;高年级:AP11年级,高二年级,ALEVEL 的 AS 年级,IB11 年级;)
The competition requires a team of 4 people to work together as a unit. Each team must have 2-4 lower grade students (AP Grade 10, GCSE or other equivalent grade), and 0-2 higher grade students (AP Grade 11, A-Level, or other equivalent grade). Lower grade students can include Grade 10 students, GCSE G1/G2 students, or IB level 10 students. Higher grade students can include Grade 11 students, A Level AS students, or IB level 11 students.
3. 比赛形式 Form
A. 预赛:笔试
100 道单项选择题,60 分钟完成,包含高、中、低三个级别难度题型,每个级别分值各不同,团队 4 人共同完成,答对加分,答错扣分。比赛时团队可以内部讨论。低、中难度适合高一年级(IB 10 年级, GCSE),高难度适合高二年级和部分优秀高一年级(IB11 年级, A-Level)
A. Preliminary: Written Examination
The examination lasts 60 minutes and has 100 singlechoice questions. The examination includes 3 different level questions - easy, medium and difficult. Different level questions have different scores, the examination needs to be completed as a team with all members involved. If the questions are answered correctly, the score will be increased although if the questions are answered incorrectly, marks will be lost. Answering all the questions in 40 minutes is unlikely, therefore students are encouraged to work efficiently as a team to complete as many as possible.
B. 决赛:实验
• 全国五个赛区,每个赛区预赛成绩前 6 名团队进入决赛
• 除赛区前 6 名团队之外,全国余下所有团队预赛成绩统一排名,前 30 名团队进入决赛,全国总共 60 个团队进入决赛
• 决赛包含三轮化学实验竞赛,每轮持续 90 分钟。每轮侧重点不同。一轮侧重考察实验过程中学生对化学知识的运用与试验操作逻辑与规范,剩余则侧重考察实验结果。每个组有一个评委老师对试验的每个步骤进行详细评分
B. Final: Experiment Examination
The top 60 teams from the preliminary are invited to attend the final competition (30 teams are chosen from the top 6 in every competition area. The other 30 teams are accepted according to the ranking list, which is ranked by the whole scores across the whole of China). The final examination includes 2 rounds of experiments with each experiments lasting for 90 minutes. Each competition focuses on different topics. One round focuses on the application of the student's knowledge, focusing on the logic and the standard when students are doing the experiments. The other round focuses on the results of the experiments. Every group has a judge to grade them on every step when they are doing the experiments.
C. 难度说明
低、中:适合高一年级( AP 10 年级, GCSE)
高:适合高二年级和部分优秀高一年级( AP 11 年级, A-Level)
A. Preliminary: Written Examination
The examination lasts 60 minutes and has 100 singlechoice questions. The examination includes 3 different level questions - easy, medium and difficult. Different level questions have different scores, the examination needs to be completed as a team with all members involved. If the questions are answered correctly, the score will be increased although if the questions are answered incorrectly, marks will be lost. Answering all the questions in 40 minutes is unlikely, therefore students are encouraged to work efficiently as a team to complete as many as possible.
C. Difficulty explanation
Easy and medium level: suitable for Grade 10 students(AP Grade 10, GCSE)
Difficult level: suitable for Grade 11 and the top Grade 10 students(AP Grade 10, A-Level)
1. 赛区划分 Exam Centers
华东(第1 赛区):
Eastern China:
Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu
华南(第2 赛区):
Southern China:
Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Hainan, HongKong, Macao
华西(第3 赛区):
Western China:
Chongqing, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Shanxi, Gansu,Qinghai, Tibet, Ningxia, Xinjiang
华北(第4 赛区):
Northern China:
Beijing, Tianjin, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Shanxi,Shandong
华中(第5 赛区):
Central China
Hunan, Hubei, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan
2. 奖项设置 Awards Setting
全国决赛资格奖 60 个团队(各区域前 6 名与全国除了区域前 6 名后前 30 名)
A. Preliminary:
Top 10 awarded in every competitive region
Finalist: 30 teams are chosen from the top 6 in every competition area. The other 30 teams are accepted according to the ranking list, which is ranked by the whole scores across the whole of China
* After the competition, we will announce the results including the score details to your respective teachers and who are eligible to go to the final competition.
B. Final:
National 1st, 2nd and 3rd place
National top 10 teams awards
National competition participation awards
评审团队 Academic and Judging Team
Professor David G. Evans
1984 至 1985 年在英国布里斯托( Bristol)大学当博士后。 1985 至 1996 年在英国埃克塞特( Exeter)大学从事教学和研究工作。1996 年 9 月来北京化工大学进行合作研究至今,现为北京化工大学特聘教授、化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室教授与学术委员会会员。2001 年荣获国家外国专家局颁发的“友谊奖”。 2004 年被英国皇家化学会(Royal Society of Chemistry)聘为会士(Fellow, FRSC)。 2005 年荣获国家“国际科技合作奖”。 2008 年被选为英国皇家化学会北京地区分会主席。同年获得由英国皇室颁发的大英帝国勋章中的官佐勋章(简称“ OBE”)。 2014 年获得国家外国专家局为纪念建局 60 周年颁发的“功勋外教”殊荣(名额只限十名)。 2014 年获得北京化工大学“校长奖”、被聘为“北京化工大学知名学者科普报告宣讲团”组员。
Professor David G. Evans studied as an undergraduate and postgraduate at Jesus College, Oxford University. After taking a First Class Honours Degree in Chemistry, he received a DPhil degree in Inorganic Chemistry in 1984. Following a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Bristol University, he was appointed to a Lectureship in the Department of Chemistry at Exeter University in 1985. Several visits to Chinese university chemistry departments, he moved to Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT) in 1996, where he is currently a professor in the State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering working in the area of intercalation chemistry of layered solids. His work has resulted in over 200 publications in peer-reviewed journals and he has given many invited lectures at international conferences. He is also the Chair of the Beijing Local Section of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). In 2001, he was awarded a “ Friendship Prize” by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs. In 2004, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC). In 2005, he received an“ International Scientific and Technological Cooperation Award”from the State Council of the P.R.C. In 2014 he was awarded a “ Medal of Merit for Education” , one of 10 awards to mark the 60th anniversary of the State Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs. In 2014 he was awarded the“ BUCT President’ s Prize” and selected as a member of the BUCT Science Popularization Team.Amy Lam 博士
英国 Newcastle 大学分析化学博士,英国政府化学实验室和壳牌研究中心资深研究员。壳牌公司“科学家管理团队项目”精英成员之一。 Lam 博士有非常丰富的国际经验,曾在英国、香港、美国和日本从事研究和管理工作。 现担任英国皇家化学会中国区总裁。
After receiving a doctorate (PhD) degree in Analytical Chemistry at Newcastle University, UK, Dr. Lam started her career as a R&D chemist at the Laboratory of the Government Chemist and the Shell Research Centre in the United Kingdom. During her employment in Shell, Dr. Lam participated in the "Scientist in Management" program and moved to work at the Shell Centre, London. Since rellocating back to Asia, Dr. Lam widened her commercial and international experience by taking up senior positions in Sales/Marketing. Business Development and Global Account managements in multinational companies such as General Electric, IBM and the Volvo group/Nissan Diesel joint venture. Dr.Lam has lived and worked in the UK, Hong Kong, USA and Japan and is currently working in Beijing as the General Manager for the Royal Society of Chemistry in China.Susan J. Schamp 博士
在跨国企业担任了 10 年的研究和管理工作。本着对教育的挚爱, Schamp 博士在 2006 年获得了中等教育硕士学位,并成为 A-Level 和 IB 化学课程指导老师。她曾就职于多所国际学校,有非常丰富的教学经验。她是把英国“ Top of the Bench”带入中国的核心成员之一
Dr Susan J. Schamp studied as an undergraduate and postgraduate at The Queen's College, Oxford University. After taking a First Class Honours Degree in Chemistry, she received a DPhil degree in Inorganic Chemistry in 1993. She completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Secondary Education at the University of Newcastle in 2006, and has taught A-level and IB Chemistry at St John's International School Brussels, Harrow International School Beijing and Dulwich College Beijing. She took a team of her students to compete in the Royal Society of Chemistry's Top of The Bench Chemistry Competition in the UK in 2010. Building on this experience, she co-led the first RSC inter-school chemistry competition in Beijing in 2013. This event has now developed into the nation wide RSC "Rising Star Chemistry China Challenge".More News 更多历史消息
Notice | A number of important dates in November 11月期间计划活动清单