12月19日,曾在好莱坞名噪一时的话题女王莎莎·嘉宝(Zsa Zsa Gabor)与世长辞,享年99岁。她曾主演过包括老版《红磨坊》( Moulin Rouge)、《莉莉》(Lili)以及《风流豪客》(Arrivederci, Baby!)在内的多部好莱坞卖座电影。而与她的美貌与性感相伴的,则是她经历9段婚姻的传奇人生。
“A man in love is incomplete until he has married. Then he’s finished.” —Newsweek, March 28, 1960
“Husbands are like fires: They go out when unattended.” — Newsweek, March 28, 1960
“Never let a man be too sure of you. He finds this boring.” — Los Angeles Times, 1966
“I want a man who’s kind and understanding. Is that too much to ask of a millionaire?”
“Men fall in love with their eyes—they like what they see—and women fall in love with their ears—they like what they hear!!” — How to Catch a Man, How to Keep a Man, How to Get Rid of a Man, published 1970
——引自1955年K Madsen Roth的《好莱坞热点》
“I don’t remember anybody’s name. How do you think the ‘dahling’’ thing got started?” — quoted in Hollywood Hits by K Madsen Roth, 1995
“The minute I understand a man, he is no longer exciting and a challenge to me. And the last thing in the world I want is for a man to understand me and know what’s always going on inside my head. It takes away from all my mystery, which, as I’ve told you before, is the most important thing between a man and a woman.” — How to Catch a Man, How to Keep a Man, How to Get Rid of a Man, published 1970
“I am a marvelous housekeeper. Every time I leave a man, I keep his house.” — The Bob Hope Show, 1961
“If you like a man and he likes you, you should get married as fast as you can. Otherwise, you both are going to change your minds. There’s plenty of time for that after marriage.” — How to Catch a Man, How to Keep a Man, How to Get Rid of a Man, published 1970
“All in all — I love being married. I love the companionship, I love cooking for a man (simple things like chicken soup and my special Dracula's goulash from Hungary), and spending all my time with a man. Of course I love being in love — but it is marriage that really fulfills me. But not in every case.”
“Oscar Wilde once said, ‘I can resist everything except temptation.’ Personally, I can resist every temptation but marriage.”
“I would take an American man for a husband three times out of five. In fact I did take an American man for a husband three times out of five. No other men can fix your dishwasher and your electric gate as well as American men. European men absolutely refuse to fix anything. It’s beyond their dignity.”
“I never really mind what people say about me — I am far too unconventional and far too dedicated to being true to myself to let other people's disdain or nastiness upset me for long.”
“All my life, I have been a positive thinker ... I have always been able to survive by telling myself that no matter how bad things are, they will one day be better. And that out of every event — no matter how tragic — one can always find a way to survive and even, perhaps, to be a little bit happy.”
“I believe that in life you should always take the serious things lightly and the light things seriously. This attitude of mine gets me into a lot of trouble.”
“I tell you, in this world being a little crazy helps to keep you sane.”
“Any woman who diets all the time can’t help but be grouchy. Nobody can be amusing or entertaining on a diet.”
“There is no diet for a big ego.”
第一任丈夫,1937-1941,土耳其外交官贝奇尔(Burhan Belge)
第二任丈夫,1942-1947,希尔顿酒店(Hilton Hotels)创始人希尔顿(Conrad Hilton)
第三任丈夫,1949-1954,奥斯卡奖男演员乔治桑德斯(George Sanders)
此后莎莎先后与多米尼加外交官Porfirio Rubirosa、富豪Hal B. Hayes相爱,并与后者几乎步入婚姻殿堂,但实际上二人并未举行婚礼。
第四任丈夫,1962-1966,投资银行家杭特(Herbert Hutner)
第五任丈夫,1966年,达拉斯石油执行长官寇斯登(Joshua S. Cosden, Jr.)
第六任丈夫,1975-1976,芭比娃娃(Barbie)与风火轮小汽车(Hot Wheels)的设计者莱恩(Jack Ryan)
第七任丈夫,1976-1982,律师欧阿拉(Michael O’Hara)
莎莎与Felipe de Alba结婚,但由于此前与欧阿拉的离婚手续并未办理完全,这段婚姻被宣布无效。
1986年,莎莎与小自己26岁的德国皇室成员,弗雷德里克·冯·安哈尔特(Frederick von Anhalt)结婚。这一次,两人白头偕老。她的这位丈夫此前也有过6次离婚记录。
文/瑶瑶 编辑/爱美丽
文章参考Buzzfeed, The New York Times, abc News