移民持续涌入,经济快速发展,房地产蒸蒸日上——是不是已经跃跃欲试,想在新西兰房地产建筑行业一展身手了呢。感谢各位看了这么久的逸居的专业文章,今天我们就再来放送个大礼包:新西兰建筑行业最棒的工作机会——新西兰建材行业巨头James Hardie,职业梦想起飞的地方!
James Hardie
James Hardie是全世界数一数二的建材供应商、澳新地区的领头羊。该公司已经有127年历史,拥有员工超过3000人,年营业额达到15.5亿美元。
James Hardie早在1951年就已经在澳大利亚上市。公司业务横跨澳新、亚洲和欧美市场,其中以澳大利亚、新西兰、美国、智利和菲律宾市场最具代表性。
James Hardie专注于纤维水泥在新型建筑项目中的推广,是纤维水泥新型建材全球最大的生产商。
在核心产品“纤维水泥”领域,James Hardie占新西兰市场的八成以上。大奥克兰地区的总销量,更是占新西兰全国销售总量的七成。
纤维水泥板材的价格的确比普通砖材料和weatherboard高出10%左右,但此类建材的使用周期非常长。纤维水泥板拥有高强的使用寿命,安装使用12年以内不需维护,James Hardie还提供25年的质量保障。
而且,James Hardie的产品广受新西兰建筑商和设计师的好评。James Hardie Stria系列和Linea Weatherboard系列被广泛应用在新西兰建筑大奖作品之上。
2015金奖 “不二之选”,样板房
在新西兰建筑行业,提起James Hardie,那真是响当当的名号!
James Hardie的新西兰公司总部位于奥克兰Penrose区,有159名雇员。本地市场的产品都是在奥克兰工厂进行生产和加工的,然后通过合作渠道在本地市场销售,包括PlaceMakers、ITM和Carters大型销售网点,以及Mitre 10, Bunnings, Akarana Timbers, Wiri Timber等知名建材连锁店。新西兰全国各地,有建材销售的地方,就有James Hardie的产品。
James Hardie倡导员工平等的发展机会,为每个人提供展现自己实力的舞台。新西兰总部的商务发展总经理就是我们优秀华人的代表——张孟龙。别看年龄不大,张孟龙绝对是行业中的佼佼者。
自2012年进入James Hardie后,张孟龙首先从奥克兰地区的销售经理做起,半年内便被提升为商务发展总经理,负责参与大局决策。公司对开发亚裔市场,尤其是华人市场非常重视,给予张孟龙充分的支持和信任。而且,James Hardie非常尊重华人为新西兰社会发展起到的积极作用,也看重华人在房地产等领域的投资,珍视华人市场。作为世界领先的建筑材料供应商,James Hardie希望参与华人主导的项目中,用过硬的产品质量和技术支持,为华裔开发商和业主们提供最满意的设计。
在James Hardie工作的每一天都值得期待
信息化时代,客户已经不满足通过阅读冗长的产品说明来了解产品的特性和用途。James Hardie的技术团队就是利用新平台,将专业的产品知识通过多媒体、现场指导等方式,让客户一览无遗,充分了解每一个细节。
与此同时,James Hardie的技术团队与开发项目每一个环节的从业者都保持紧密联系,协助他们解决设计方面的问题,同时给建筑商和工人提供技术性指导。
James Hardie每年花费大量的时间和精力培训建筑商、建筑师以及设计师。教他们正确使用产品以及操作,通过遵守新西兰建筑法规的规范和细节,顺利取得建筑许可证,成功将新产品和新技术推广到千家万户。
在James Hardie,您体会的不仅仅是销售业绩超群带来的愉悦,更是将建筑作为一项事业来经营。通过集中精力做好销售渠道管理和开发商合作,James Hardie助力奥克兰大踏步向现代化都市前进。
因业务发展加速啊,James Hardie需要招聘针对华人市场的客户经理,诚邀您的加盟!有意者请发送个人CV至[email protected]
Reporting to the National Business Development Manager for New Markets, this Auckland based role will support engagement with emerging markets, specifically in Auckland and ultimately with a goal of increasing specification and sales of James Hardie product. Key influencers include builders, architects, developers and transactionally, our distribution partners.
Provide account management support to the Business Development manager to facilitate ongoing focus on new customer acquisition
Maximise uptake of specification and reduce tensions around installation through onsite education and presence at industry events
Manage project pipelines in conjunction with the BDM and Salesforce.com to defend and grow category
Understand lead indicators and market dynamics in order to drive actions, deliver outcomes and provide feedback to business leads
Deliver high levels of value to existing and new customers so as to position James Hardie as a preferred brand partner in the Asian market. Support of, and organic growth with existing customers is critical.
Candidate Profile and Qualifications Required
Building Industry background preferred but not essential
High level of business acumen with the ability to understand and execute strategy
Resilient mindset with a proven track record and drive for results
Able to adapt to changing market demands with ease
Whilst not essential, tertiary qualifications in a relevant discipline would be highly regarded and support career development within the organisation
Must have:
Proven sales effectiveness or able to demonstrate “know how” in order to solution sell to influencers in the Asian market segment
Must be technically minded and be able to demonstrate industry experience in at least one of the below areas;
- Sales in a similar supplier business
- Sales in the context of our trade distribution channel
- Technical Sales
- Site or project management skills would also be considered
Able to travel outside of Auckland to support the Business Development Manager as and when required
Must be competent with tools used to construct and deliver presentations i.e PowerPoint
Able to demonstrate self-awareness and resilience in a professional context
Must demonstrate the ability for adaptive selling. This role is required to engage with a wide range of influencers and decision markers in the Asian market
Fit team and JH culture – i.e driven, self-starter, able to push the envelope to get results
No issues with commitment outside of “work hours” i.e 3-5 evening or partial weekends per month
Experience in a similar role for 3+ years with established relationships in the construction industry
Compelling and engaging presenter – able to use multiple means to communicate message
有意者请发送个人CV至[email protected]
作为拥有百年历史、纤维水泥新型建材全球最大的生产商、澳新最大的建材公司的James Hardie,想要更清晰地了解我们华人客户的需求,从而提供更好的中文服务,所以邀请大家参与以下匿名问卷调查。
备注:以下问卷调查将仅用于James Hardie对华人客户的需求分析,此微信内置的问卷调查功能不会收集单个客户的信息。如有任何问题,请与逸居新西兰联系,[email protected]
James Hardie无与伦比的品质得到了新西兰无数业主的青睐和认可。
James Hardie助力您在新西兰早日拥有自己的
“Dream House”!
如果您有任何问题,可以在微信里问逸居,或者写邮件给逸居:[email protected],逸居会咨询专业人士集中为您解答。