
2016年12月06日 美国驻华大使馆


一些最脍炙人口的美国百老汇音乐剧创作于1943-1960年间。它起源于1940年代,理查·罗杰斯( Richard Rodgers)和 奥斯卡·汉默斯坦二世(Oscar Hammerstein II)建立了组合,透过他们1943年的作品《俄克拉荷马! 》( Oklahoma!)开始永久地改变了百老汇的面貌。这一著名二人组还通过作品《南太平洋》( South Pacific)创造了一种故事性极强的音乐剧,挑战美国根深蒂固的种族偏见。同时期的作品还有艾文-柏林(Irving Berlin)所创作的《飞燕金枪》( Annie Get Your Gun),在该剧中由艾瑟·摩曼(Ethel Merman)演唱百老汇的非官方会歌《与众不同的表演职业》(“There's No Business Like Show Business”)。同一时期,一些后来成为百老汇中流砥柱的新人,如雷纳德·伯恩斯坦( Leonard Bernstien),贝蒂· 康姆顿(Betty Comden),阿道夫· 格林(Adolph Green)和杰罗姆.罗宾斯( Jerome Robbins)等也首次登台演出。其他备受欢迎的演出,如《红男绿女》( Guys and Dolls),《窈窕淑女》( My Fair Lady),《吻我凯特》( Kiss Me, Kate)和《音乐之声》( The Sound of Music)也横空出世。你最喜欢的黄金时代百老汇音乐剧是哪部?

#AmericanBroadway# - Broadway History – The Golden Age

Some of the most beloved American Broadway musicals werewritten between 1943 and 1960.  It started when Richard Rodgers and OscarHammerstein II formed a collaborative partnership in the 1940’s, changed theface of Broadway forever starting with their production of Oklahoma! in1943.  The famous duo also set a new standard with South Pacificmaking a musical where the story is paramount and challenging the country toconfront its deep-seated racial bigotry.  During this same time, IrvingBerlin writes Annie Get Your Gun with Ethel Merman singing Broadway’sunofficial anthem, “There’s No Business Like Show Business,” and new arrivalswho later become Broadway greats – Leonard Bernstien, Betty Comden, AdolphGreen and Jerome Robbins – make their debut.  Other popular shows, such asGuys and Dolls, My Fair Lady, Kiss Me, Kate and TheSound of Music were produced.  What is your favorite Broadway Musicalfrom the Golden Age?

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