DEAR Program 加拿大国际学校D计划:放下一切 享受阅读

2016年12月16日 加拿大国际教育集团


加拿大国际学校正在实施的D计划(DEAR Program),鼓励学生放下一切去享受阅读带来的乐趣。学生们可以自己挑选读本,然后在大家庭里一起阅读。近期CIS一直在户外进行这个活动,因为天气很给力。



DEAR Program: Drop Everything And Read

All of our students are divided into cross graded groups which we call families. This means that we have ten groups of students from Kindergarten to grade 8. The purpose of these groups are that all of our students can get to know each other and when we do activities, older students can help the younger students.

One of the activities that we do together is called DEAR. Drop Everything And Read. Students get to choose their own book and in their families, read together. We have been doing this activity outside because the weather has been very cooperative.

The ultimate purpose of this activity is to promote literacy in a meaningful way to all of our students and increase English proficiency. And as they say, "a picture is worth a thousand words!"

The students love reading together because they get to choose their own books. The younger children love the older children reading to them. They feel they are their big brothers and sisters. The parents love this program because they see their children reading which they know will help with their comprehension of the English language. Teachers love to see children enjoy reading because this is an important lifelong skill.

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