国际部自办学以来,一直秉承张主任以国际化视野培养国际化人才的理念,为了拓宽学生的视野,12月5日下午3点,长春市实验中学徐书记带领美国波特兰州立大学招生负责人Karen Hanson来我校国际部进行了宣讲。他们针对学校的校园环境,专业设置,录取要求以及就业情况进行了非常详细的讲解。徐书记全程参与此次宣讲活动并向外宾介绍我校基本情况。
The Promotion Session of Portland State University
At 3pm on Dec 3rd, the student admission officer of Portland State University,Karen Hanson, with the lead of our principal Xu, gave us a public promotion speech. They guided our students with thorough explanation in the aspect of Campus environment, Major setup, Enrollment requirement.
宣讲会开始时,学生们观看了波特兰州立大学的宣传视频,产生了浓厚的兴趣,接着在宣讲过程中,Karen Hanson与学生进行了问答互动,每一位学生都积极热情,并得到了Karen精心准备的小礼物。在宣讲会接近尾声时,学生们纷纷提出了自己关心的问题,并得到了老师的耐心解答。此次宣讲会不仅开阔了学生的视野,更让学生意识到择校是人生中必须要面临的一个重要决定。
At the beginning of the the session, students were instructed to watch a promotion video clip from Portland State University, which aroused their attention. In the following process of promotional speech, Karen Hanson prepared a Q&A interaction with students and selected some delicate gifts for the students. As the speech gradually came to an end, our students popped some concerns one after another and got patient response and explanation from Karen.Not only did this promotion session broad our students’ horizon,but also made students realize it is a matter of big decision to make in their lives when it comes to picking up colleges.
波特兰州立大学(Portland State University,简称PSU)成立于1946年,坐落于旧金山和西雅图之间的波特兰城。这是一个以安全、美食、自行车运动和其他户外运动闻名的美丽城市,是俄勒冈州大学体系中最大, 文化最丰富且唯一位于城市中心的大学。学校现有在校生约24,000人,其中包括来自近100个国家的2,000多名国际学生。
Portland State University
Portland State University was founded in 1946. It locates in the city of Portland which lies between San Francisco and Seattle. It is a beautiful city which is famous for its safe environment, delicious cuisine, cycle racing, and other outdoor activities and it is also the largest and most culturally diversified college, which locates in the downtown area, in the university system of Ohio State. Currently, there are around 24,000 students in PSU which includes over 2,000 international students from nearly 100 different countries.
波特兰州立大学较好的学科是商科、电机及计算机工程、教育和环境科学。学生选修最多的学科,依次是社会科学(23%)、商科管理(19%)、文科(10%)和心理学(9%)。新生平均GPA 3+ ,SAT 1260 ,ACT 19-25 ,托福 71 ,雅思 6.0 才符合入学资格。
The leading disciplines in Portland State University cover Business, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Education and Environmental Science. The disciplines students prone to choose are Social Science(23%),Business Administration(19%), Liberal Arts(10%), and psychology(9%). The admission qualification for new students includes average GPA3+, SAT1260, act 19-25, TOEFL 71, IELTS 6.0.
Besides, PSU owns powerful a internship project: each year more than 7500 students from various majors can get access to internship opportunities in different kinds of corporations.