
2016年12月22日 美国驻华大使馆

#美国百老汇# - 新生代剧作家-阿亚德·阿赫塔尔。

新生代剧作家正在将他们自己的风格和个人经历搬上舞台。美国剧作家、普利策奖获奖者阿亚德·阿赫塔尔(Ayad Akhtar)是巴基斯坦移民的后代。

他创作了《名誉扫地》( Disgraced),该剧主人公向他的同事隐瞒拥有穆斯林血统的事实。阿赫塔尔的其他百老汇剧目探索美国多民族文化的类似身份挑战。




#AmericanBroadway# - New Playwright – Ayad Akhtar

New American playwrights are bringing their own style and personal experiences to the stage.  American Playwright and Pulitzer Prize winner Ayad Akhtar, who is the son of Pakistani Immigrants to the United States, wrote Disgraced about a main character that hides his Muslim roots from his colleagues. Akhtar’s other Broadway plays explore similar identity challenges in America’s multi-ethnic culture.  

In 2014, Akhtar had three plays running on Broadway at the same time, a rare feat for a playwright.  Why do you think plays about personal identity do well on Broadway?  

To learn more about this new American playwright, see (ch):   http://go.usa.gov/x9axX 

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