
2016年12月21日 美国驻华大使馆


自1865年废除奴隶制以来,很多黑人离开了南方农场,搬到华盛顿这样的城市。虽然黑人已不再是奴隶,但在美国各地,《吉姆·克罗法》(Jim Crow laws)仍将他们与白人隔离开来。

在新的纯黑人社区,人们形成了自己的组织。而在华盛顿,从霍华德剧院向南一直到U街的街道被称为“黑人百老汇”(Black Broadway)。


很多著名的非洲裔美国艺术家都在霍华德剧院演出,包括 Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Billie Holiday, Nat King Cole, Marvin Gaye, Aretha Franklin, Otis Redding 和Lena Horne。




#AmericanBroadway# - “Black Broadway” at Howard Theatre in Washington DC 

After slavery was abolished in 1865, many African Americans left Southern farms to move to cities like Washington. Although no longer slaves, black people were segregated from white people across the U.S. by Jim Crow laws.  

In new all-black neighborhoods, the people developed their own institutions, and in Washington the strip that begins at Howard Theatre and extends down to U Street was known as “Black Broadway.”  

In 1910, the Howard Theatre became the first performance space built for African Americans.  Although born of racism, the community aspired to be as great as the famous Broadway in New York.

Many famous African American artists performed in the Howard Theatre, including Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Billie Holiday, Nat King Cole, Marvin Gaye, Aretha Franklin, Otis Redding and Lena Horne.  

How has America’s diversity influenced its performing arts culture?  For more information see (ch):   http://go.usa.gov/x9x2B

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