【欧美金曲】仙妮亚·唐恩《You're Still The One》,愿得一人心,白首不相离

2017年08月01日 走遍美国

You're still the one I want for life 你仍然是唯一我想共度一生的人

Shania Twain (仙妮亚·唐恩) 是出生在加拿大安大略省的乡村流行乐创作女歌手。

或许是出生时她的双亲取名时的启发:“Shania”源自印第安原住民语,意为“Go Forward”(向前冲),因此她自90年代接连3张专辑,不断的超越自我,销售量从几百万张一路冲到2500万张。囊括了美国格莱美奖、Billboard音乐榜、全美音乐奖等超过35项音乐大奖。

代表作《You're Still The One》出自专辑《Come on Over》,是1998年最畅销的乡村单曲。获1999年格莱美四项提名,并最终获得最佳乡村音乐和最佳乡村音乐女歌手奖。


You're Still The One(你仍是我的唯一)

Shania Twain

Looks like we made it 看来我们成功了 Look how far we've come my baby 看看我们已做了多远,宝贝 We might took the long way 我们可能走了远路 We knew we'd get there someday 但我知道我们有一天一定会到达 They said I bet they'll never make it 有人说:"我打赌他们不会永远在一起" But just look at us holding on 但是他们看到我们一直在坚持 We're still together still going strong 我们仍在一起,很坚定 You're still the one I run to 你仍然是唯一我会奔向的人 The one that I belong to 我所属于的那个人 You're still the one I want for life 你仍然是唯一我想共度一生的人 You're still the one that I love 你仍然是我唯一爱的人 The only one I dream of
You're still the one I kiss good night 你仍是我会亲吻道晚安的人

Ain't nothin' better 不会有比这更好的了 We beat the odds together 我们共度难关 I'm glad we didn't listen 很高兴我们没有听(他们的话) Look at what we would be missing 不然看看我们会错过什么 They said I bet they'll never make it 有人说:"我打赌他们不会永远在一起" But just look at us holding on 但是他们看到我们一直在坚持 We're still together still going strong 我们仍在一起,很坚定 You're still the one I run to 你仍然是唯一我会奔向的人 The one that I belong to 我所属于的那个人 You're still the one I want for life 你仍然是唯一我想共度一生的人 You're still the one that I love 你仍然是我唯一爱的人 The only one I dream of 你仍是唯一我梦想的人 You're still the one I kiss good night 你仍是我会亲吻道晚安的人 You're still the one 你仍然是我的唯一

You're still the one I run to 你仍然是唯一我会奔向的人 The one that I belong to 我所属于的那个人 You're still the one I want for life oh~ 你仍然是唯一我想共度一生的人 You're still the one that I love
The only one I dream of
You're still the one I kiss good night
So glad we have made it
Look how far we've come my baby


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