
2017年12月28日 澳贸委Austrade



The 2017 “Sino-Aussie Documentary Week” will be launched by Guangdong Radio and Television (GRT) and Australia Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) on December 11, 2017. The two networks exchanged seven hours of well-produced documentaries for the primetime broadcast on each other’s TV channels, one hour per day. ABC’s documentaries themed on Australian foods, tourism, Sino-Australia trade and environmental protection will be aired on GDTV World.



《鲨鱼女孩 Shark Girl



Madison Stewart is a young woman with a passion for a creature of the deep that strikes fear in the hearts of most people -sharks. She has been face to face with every kind of shark around the world,but at an early age she realized that if sharks were endangered, so was their habitat. So Madison waved goodbye to the carefree life of other teenagers and,armed with a video camera, set out to single-handedly fight the ignorance that surrounds these spectacular and misunderstood creatures…

《宝玲的路上厨房 Poh’s Kitchen: On the Road》 


Poh’s on the road to the sheep country of the Flinders Ranges in northern South Australia, clockingup more fantastic food experiences. On her way she meets people producing andcooking the food of their regions and is inspired to create and share her own recipes using the local ingredients.

《重建澳大利亚遗风——凯斯会堂 Restoration Australia: Keith Hall



Built in 1885 by a stone mason from Aberdeen, Keith Hall is no more than a pile of granite. Clay is planning to rebuild the original building, manhandling the stone blocks entirely on his own.

《重建澳大利亚遗风——木屋公园 Restoration Australia: Woodcot Park



Attempting to leave the ghost of the Kinglake fires behind them, Jo and Marcus bought Woodcot Park. They find they have taken on not only a restoration but also the ghost of the original Scottish owner.

《梦中花园 Dream Gardens


梦中花园是一档由澳大利亚顶级景观设计师迈克尔麦考伊主持的节目。每集节目都会改造一座花园, 进而影响一个家庭。

Dream Gardens is hosted by Michael McCoy, one of Australia's leading landscape designers. Each episode follows the transformation of a garden and the family behind it.




So much more than a cooking show, Chef Exchange explores what happens when two diverse cultures and languages combine through a shared passion – seeking out and revealing the very best produce to create unique and amazing food. Witness real culinary adventure and the contrast between vast, pristine South Australia and her bustling, colorful sister province of Shandong, China…




China and Australia are important business partners, particularly in wine and wool industry. Increasingly the Chinese drop-of-choice comes from Australia while China buys around 75% of the Australian wool. Prue Adams has been in China seeing it first hand.


以上节目于12月11日广东国际频道首播,欢迎于IPTV 广东国际频道或登录官方网站 http://world.grtn.cn/ 重温以上精彩节目!

广东广播电视台将筛选《海丝寻梦录》、《珠江纪事》(搵啖食系列)、《Face Time》(China Chats澳大利亚系列)、《美丽西江》等栏目制作的自然、人文、美食、民俗、历史、社会、时尚等多种题材优秀纪录片,于2018年中国农历新年期间在澳大利亚ABC电视台播出,为澳大利亚观众介绍丰富多彩的广东。

Guangdong Radio and Television has selected Retrace the Maritime Silk Road, Pearl River Story: Food and Delights Series, Face Time: China Chats Series, Xijiang River etc.showcasing Guangdong’s nature, culture, gourmet foods, folk customs, history,society, fashion and other aspects. These films are scheduled to be aired on ABC during the Chinese New Year in 2018, feasting Australian viewers with a mesmerizing Guangdong.


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