
2018年07月28日 美国驻华大使馆

副总统迈克•彭斯(Mike Pence)在推进宗教自由部长级会议上:信仰或不信仰的权利是自由中最基本的。当宗教自由遭拒绝或破坏时,我们知道其他自由就会受到威胁。这就是为什么美国捍卫宗教自由—过去,现在,自始至终。https://share.america.gov/zh-hans/pence-u-s-stands-for-religious-freedom-yesterday-today-and-always/ 


Vice President Mike Pence at the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom: The right to believe or not believe is the most fundamental of freedoms. When religious freedom is denied or destroyed, we know that other freedoms are imperiled. That’s why the United States stands for religious freedom yesterday, today and always.

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