#美国夏季户外活动# 卡丁车

2018年08月06日 美国驻华大使馆

 (AP Photo/Lynn DeBruin)

#美国夏季户外活动# 速度与激情!!我们要介绍的下一个夏季特色户外活动是卡丁车。卡丁车既有趣又安全,可以练习对焦、平衡和手眼协调。第一辆卡丁车诞生于1956年,是用废金属和割草机引擎制成的。如果你是赛车手,你会给你的座驾起什么名字?

 #American Summer Outdoor Activities# Fast and Furious!! Our next featured summer outdoor activity is go-kart racing. It’s fun and safe and can practice focus, balance, and hand-eye coordination. The first go kart was built in 1956 out of scrap metal and a lawn mower engine. If you were a racer, what would your race car driving name be?

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