大伙常说,Read Aloud需要抑扬顿挫,有起有伏,但如何做到呢?其实有退才有进,有弱读才有强读,一味的快或者慢都显得太过单薄,没有对比就显示不出你口语的“错落有致”,那么一样的,没有停顿就显示不出你对节奏感的把握。
这点也是很容易判断的,比如and, but 等等,句子与句子之间往往是一个语义的终结,我们可以稍作停顿
Smoking would kill us / but we didn't know for sure.
Scientists argued /that smoking would kill us /
He said / that he would do better
常见的介词有at, on, in, to, into, by, over, down, up ,我们也可以选择在这些词之前停顿一下
Carr said she had confidence / in a federal investigation / into whether her son’s civil rights were violated.
1.They live in that large house / on the other side / of the bridge. //
2.In the morning / the boy goes to school early. // Sometimes / he was late, /
because his mother was in poor health. //
3.It is very important for us / to take part in manual labour / from time to time. //
4. However, whether it comes from the common ancestor / that the species had 35 million years ago, / is, / as yet, /an unanswered question.//
5. What is harder to establish / is whether the productivity revolution/ that businessmen assume they are presiding over/ is for real.//
6. She sells sea shells / by the sea shore. //The shells she sells / are surely seashells. // So / if she sells shells / on the seashore, I'm sure / she sells seashore shells.
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