碰到的都是机经,为啥我的Retell Lecture还是分不高?

2018年07月27日 7PLUS英语

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最近,很多近期考试的同学都向我们抱怨,口语的分通过平时的练习有了很大的提高,但听力分却怎么也上不去。通过与这些同学们的交流,我们不难发现,他们普遍寻在的一个问题就是:Retell Lecture部分发挥的都不大好。


今天,我们就通过Mexico Maize这篇最近的高频的Retell Lecture题目来分析一下即使在真实考试中碰到了机经原题,同学有时依然无法有效获取RL分数的原因。



In 1943, what became known as the Green Revolution began when Mexico, unable to feed its growing population, shouted for help. Within a few years, the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations founded the International Rice Research Institute in Asia, and by 1962, a new strain of rice called IR8 was feeding people all overthe world. IR8 was the first really big modified crop to make a real impact on world hunger.


In 1962, the technology did not yet exist to directly manipulate the genes of plants, and so IR8 was created by carefully crossing existing varieties:selecting the best from each generation, further modifying them, and finally finding the best. Here is the power of modified crops: IR8, with no fertilizer,straight out of the box, produced five times they yield of traditional rice varieties. In optimal conditions with nitrogen, it produced ten times the yield of tradition varieties.


By 1980, IR36 resisted pests and grew fast enough to allow two crops a year instead of just one, doubling the yield. And by 1990, using more advanced genetic manipulation techniques, IR72 was out performing even IR36. The Green Revolution saw worldwide crop yields explode from 1960 through 2000.


In1943, what became known as the Green Revolution began when Mexico, unable tofeed its growing population, shouted for help.Withina few years, the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations founded the InternationalRice Research Institute in Asia,and by 1962, a newstrain of rice called IR8 was feeding people all over the world.IR8 was the first reallybig modified crop to make a real impact on world hunger.


这一段首先介绍了theGreat Revolution in Mexico的原因是其无法feed the increasingpopulation (红色部分)。接着,作者描述了在几年之内,theFord and Rockefeller Foundations建立了the International Rice ResearchInstitute in Asia (色部分)。然后文章介了截止到1962年,一种叫做IR8的新品种被世界人民食用(绿色部分)。最后作者表示IR8是第一个真正全球饥饿问题有真正影响的转基因作物(紫色部分)。



  • The     Green Revolution began in Mexico to feed the growing population and the     International Rice Research Institute founded after that.

  • In1962, IR8 the first modified crop was created and impacted world hunger



    In1962, the technology did not yet exist to directly manipulate the genes ofplants, and so IR8 was created by carefully crossing existing varieties:selecting the best from each generation, further modifying them, and finallyfinding the best.Here is the power ofmodified crops: IR8, with no fertilizer, straight out of the box, produced fivetimes they yield of traditional rice varieties. In optimal conditions withnitrogen, it produced ten times the yield of tradition varieties.


    首先介IR8是通细杂交不同有种来得到的 (色部分)。接着,作者描述了相比较传统的作物品种,IR8更高产 (蓝色部分)。




    ·        IR8 wascreated by carefully crossing existing varieties. It significantly increased production of crops.




    By1980, IR36 resisted pests and grew fast enough to allow two crops a yearinstead of just one, doubling the yield.Andby 1990, using more advanced genetic manipulation techniques, IR72 wasoutperforming even IR36.The Green Revolutionsaw worldwide crop yields explode from 1960 through 2000.


    段首先介了IR36害虫免疫,生长迅速,并且允许每年种植两季,这加倍了作物产量 (红色部分)。其次,文章描述了通过运用高端基因操控技术,IR72的产量比起IR36更加有所提高(色部分)。最后,作者总结说:"世界作物量自1960至2000著提高(绿色部分)。"




    ·        After that, IR36 was created andallowed two crops a year, doubling the yield, and then IR72 was introduced withbetter effects.

    ·        Worldwidecrop production increases dramatically during the Green Renovation.



    ·        In this lecture, the speaker talks aboutGreen Renovation.

    ·        First of all, he introduces that theGreen Revolution began in Mexico to feed the growing population and theInternational Rice Research Institute founded after that.

    ·        In 1962, IR8, the first modified cropto solve world hunger was created by carefully crossing existing varieties. Itincreased production by five times and even ten times in nitrogen conditions.

    ·        After that, IR36 was created andallowed two crops a year, doubling the yield, and then IR72 was introduced withbetter effects.

    ·        In conclusion, worldwide cropproduction increases dramatically during the Green Renovation.

    过对比同学们的答案与上方的分析及答案,我可以Retell Lecture的失分原因概括一下集中情况:








    总之,提高Retell Lecture的能力,大家一定要认清自己的情况,有针对性的练习。只有这样才能达到事半功倍的效果。







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