#美国夏季户外活动# 棒球

2018年08月09日 美国驻华大使馆

Photo by Tim Brown

#美国夏季户外活动# 美国人喜爱篮球和橄榄球,但没有什么能与棒球相提并论!美国全民的消遣活动是什么?我们的答案是棒球!棒球不仅有趣,而且花费不高,这就是为什么我们把它列入今年夏天会让人置身户外的事物清单。美国有棒球大联盟和小联盟,此外许多学校、教会和青年组织也有棒球队。 难怪它被称为美国人最喜欢的消遣活动。


#American Summer Outdoor Activities#  baseball

Americans love basketball and football, but nothing compares to baseball! Our answer to the question of what is the United States’ national pastime is baseball!  It’s fun and affordable which is why it’s on our list of things that will get you out of the house this summer. American has both major league and minor league baseball, in addition to baseball teams at many schools, churches, and youth organizations. No wonder it’s called America’s favorite pastime.

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