雅思小作文考查重点之一是数据描述的准确性,这直接涉及Task Response项目的分数。很多烤鸭头大的一点是小作文图表中数据量众多,难以区别关键信息和非关键信息。这里小雅哥推荐一个很常用的方法帮助烤鸭锻炼区分关键信息的能力,即让你的朋友或者同学直接看作文,如果他们能够大概画出和原题一致的图表,那么作文中涉及的关键信息是OK的。不过,在考场上,烤鸭们可以参考以下的checklist粗略地检查自己小作文的完成情况~
❗Type of diagram 图表类型
Have you correctly identified whether it is a bar chart/line graph/pie chart/flow chart/table?
❗The correct tense 时态
Have you correctly identified whether the data in the chart relates to past time, a current state of affairs or a future prediction? This includes not just using the correct tenses but also including specific times in your report.
有没有运用正确的时态呢?要记住,不仅要用对时态,还要在小作文中写清具体的时间!一般来说,如果图表中有具体年份,过去时、现在时和将来时的使用一定要准确谨慎~ 如果图表中没有具体年份,一般应全文采用现在时描写。
❗The subject 对象
Have you included all the subjects that are referred to in the diagram? Even if you have a bar chart or table naming 8 different countries for example, you still need to refer to them all in your report.
❗Units 单位
Have you included references to the units? These may be units of time (months/years etc.), money (millions of & pound) or simple numbers (10,000s). To do this, you need to read the x and y axes carefully.
❗Highs and lows / Beginnings and ends / Biggest and smallest
Have you included the extremes shown in the diagram? In nearly all charts and graphs these are key features to include as they give the reader a frame for understanding the chart or graph. When there is a lot of data, you may not include every extreme so you need to use your judgement.
❗Patterns and trends 模式和趋势
Have you noted any patterns?
In dynamic charts (when there is a change in time), it is nearly always important to note whether the general trend is upwards or downwards.
❗Exceptions 例外情况
Is there anything in the chart that is completely different to the general pattern? If so, this too is very likely to be a key detail that needs to be noted.
❗Ordering information排序
Have you ordered the information in a logical way? It is no good putting all the right information in if the keys points are hidden away. This can happen if you follow the order of the chart without thinking. Possible logical ways of ordering the report include:
烤鸭们从图表中选择的信息,是不是按照合理的逻辑顺序排列了?这一点涉及Cohesion and Coherence单项的评分。
✳ Start with the most significant detail 从最重要的细节开始说起
✳Start with the general pattern, then note exceptions 从一般模式说起,然后注明有例外
✳Group items that are similar 写一组里面有相似性的东西
✳Move from the largest to the smallest 从最大值写到最小值
✳Move from the first in time to the last in time 从时间起点写到时间终点
2015.7.11 Ming Lou
L: 8, R: 8.5, W: 7, S: 7 Overall: 7.5
2015.7.11 Shuya Ma
L: 8, R: 9, W: 7, S: 7 Overall: 8
2015.7.11 Sam
L: 8, R: 9, W: 7, S: 7 Overall: 8
2015.7.11 Haonan Li
L:8.5, R: 8.5, W: 7, S: 7 Overall: 8