【灭“鸭”神器】不在墨尔本,照样过雅思7分 ^_^ 9.20地图题再次逆袭 囧

2014年09月20日 无忧小雅哥

「【灭“鸭”神器】不在墨尔本,照样过雅思7分 ^_^ 9.20地图题再次逆袭 囧」2014注定将是一个不平静的雅思年,流程图地图题的频率简直是逆天了囧 9月20日地图题再次逆袭,查询【墨尔本无忧雅思论坛】第一时间分享交流雅思回忆及心得:-)



The line graph and table provide the information about the average monthly temperature and yearly average sunshine hours in three major metropolises of the world, namelylike London, New York and Sydney.

namelySuch as' indicates you are giving examples, but they aren’t limited to the examples you give. (mammals, such as dogs, cats, bears and tigers – obviously there are more mammals, these are just examples) Namely is better to identify the specific 3 metropolises.

Noticeably, the temperature patterns for London and NY are quiet similar. The average degree of temperature experiences an increase from January to mid July, peaking at approximately 25C and 30C in London and NY, respectively. From this point onward, the temperature sees a declines for the rest of the year, bottoming out at about 10C in London and 5C in London andin NY separately. It can be seen that NY generally has warmer summers and colder winters than London. In contrast, the pattern for Sydney goes the other way around compared with the other two cities. The lowest temperature is approximately 17C in mid of- July and the warmest time is in December with the hotness of at 27C.

separatelyDon't substitute separately for respectively – just state them directly after each city if you want to avoid overusing that method of quoting stats.

compared with the other two citiesYou already said in contrast, and that London and new york were similar, so we can assume this, making this phrase redundant.

As far as annual hours of sunshine are concerned, NY and Sydney have similar averages of 2535 and 2473 hours correspondingly. London, however, has a much lower average number of annual sunshine hours of at 1180 hours.

correspondinglyOkay, this is okay to use in place of respectively.

In conclusion, the annual sunshine hours are highly correlated with the overall temperature of each city. More precisely, London is the coldest city with the fewest hours of sunshine. Meanwhile, NY has the hottest summer, but Sydney enjoys the warm weather most of the time more often.

Cameron CommentsBand 7.5

Task Achievement: 8Great job, you covered almost all of the relevant information, including relating and comparing observations from both graphs. The only way you could have improved would have been to convey information on Spring and Autumn in the countries. (New York’s temps rise more dramatically in spring, surpassing London in April, while also staying warmer later into the year, dipping below temps in London in late November. Sydney has a seemingly smooth and curve, with avg temps around 25C for 3 months of the year falling at a much more gradual rate and experiences the lowest range of temperatures.)

Coherence & Cohesion: 8Also really great here! The only thing I question is that the paragraph on average temps is much longer than that for the hours of sunshine, and rightly so, there is much more information there. However, I feel like there could be a better way to separate the data so it doesn’t seem so lopsided? Maybe discuss London, New York and Sydney in three separate paragraphs, discussing weather and hours of sunshine for each city separately?

Lexical Resource: 8I think you also did very well here. Range was more than sufficient for the task and accuracy was there. I did question the use of separately, but I think you were strong here otherwise.

Grammatical Range & Accuracy: 7I think a few of the corrections above can be considered preference or corrections for the sake of clarity and style. However, whilst range was great, there was probably one too many errors to get an 8 here.

Overall Score: 7.5Maybe address the information about autumn and spring and this could get a 9 in TA or avoid some of the grammatical errors and you could easily get an 8 with work of this quality, great job!!

「About CameronHello, my name is Cameron and I am a writing and speaking tutor and marker for 51 IELTS. Despite being a native English speaker from the US, I had to take the IELTS exam, in order to earn extra points on my visa application, after graduating from the University of Melbourne with a Master in Accounting. Having achieved an overall band score of 9 and earning a spot on the Dean’s Honours List in my studies, I understand the importance of written and spoken communication, whether it is for study, work or everyday life. My goal is to help you improve your English language skills, by focusing on writing style, essay structure, vocabulary and fluency, so that you can get the score you want and even improve your day-to-day life.




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雅思直播2014.09.20参与直播回复 「21」

「Joanna在墨村」No.1考 part 1 study, house, relaxation; part 2 describe a time you had troubles with a piece of equipment? 小雅哥我想问一下 这是新题吗?

「注册账户」今天果真考地图题了…口语考的挺早。第一部分name leisure time accomodation 第二部分 historical place 写作不行 口语还行吧

「樊哥求破6」还好有口语机经!我今天考到之前整理的新题了!a piece of advice given by others.第一部分和第三部分都不太记得了 应该都是一些常规的问题,名字住宿之类的。再次谢谢!

「joshzheng」p1 weather,family members,housework p2 something you saved money for

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「Jeremy」2pm.rmit. P1cooking, food, study, major. P2 describe a time when you were busy. 希望能帮到你们。



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