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2014年09月27日 无忧小雅哥

「奖学金」10-12月任意雅思考试, 澳大利亚任何雅思考场, 无论您的雅思成绩如何, 不求您是不是关注我们, 每月一位幸运小小烤鸭, $330AU无忧小雅哥买单 :) 醉了,碎了,跪了,我们只求雅思过了!!!

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「☆小作文☆」今天考了Table,题目是:The table shows the number of cars made in there countries from 2003 to 2009. 不算很难的一个表格题哦!~A类的小伙伴加油~

「☆大作文☆」In some countries, an increasing number of people choosing to live by themselves. Why is this case? Do you think it is a positive or negative development? 烤鸭们要注意要回答完全两个问题,才算是fully address the topic哦!~

雅思直播2014.09.27参与直播回复 「21」

没想到今天抢到个沙发,人品太好了,希望能过了,Part 1 name hometown transportation, part 2 interesting conversation with others, part3 一大堆。。。。求过 感觉自己萌萌哒~~

大家好,第一此考雅思,感觉很不适应,上来写作很生疏的感觉,还是只有我不行?有没有觉得听力也很不给力啊, 口语题大概这样,感觉很多停顿,估计都不是太理想,继续努力吧,Part 1 work or study animal garden or park part 2 a thing you did with a group of people

无忧学员回忆口语: Part 1 personal information, favorite seasons weather and sunshine;Part 2 describe an experience you away from home 都是口语机经中的题目 点击查看或者下载 9月口语机经补丁版:


和朋友一起考,同一考场,同一时间,希望一起过,要7分;老子的:Part 1 study food street market,Part 2 a comic star in your country. 小伙伴的:Part 1 hometown phone dictionary,Part 2 an occasion you wait for someone 求小雅哥保佑~~

感谢回忆,那么努力一定会过的 :)无忧学员回忆,今天口语目前为止没有新题:Part 1 name shopping gift part; Part 2 a meal you invite others to your place;烤鸭小伙伴们加油啊~~~

今天好热啊,可能比较紧张吧,明天听说30度,monash那个排风烦死了,别的都感觉还好,听力估计考砸了,漏了两个。口语题不难都看到过,谢谢无忧的机经,特此贡献下题目: part 1 work or study, time/watch hometown; part 2 family celebration 希望对别的童鞋有帮助。



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