坎特伯雷大学-University of Canterbury

2015年09月15日 新西兰东龙留学移民








泰晤士报高等教育-QS世界大学排名QS TOP 186

泰晤士报高等教育-QS艺术和人文科学专业大学排名QS TOP--Arts and Humanities 175

泰晤士报高等教育-QS技术专业大学排名QS TOP--Technology 129

泰晤士报高等教育-QS自然科学专业大学排名QS TOP--Natural Sciences 160

泰晤士报高等教育-QS社会科学专业大学排名QS TOP--Social Sciences 135

《亚洲周刊》跨学科专业大学排名AISAWEEK-Multi-Disciplinary 58


Bachelor's degrees

Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Commerce

Bachelor of Criminal Justice

Bachelor of Education (Physical Education)

Bachelor of Engineering with Honours

Bachelor of Fine Arts

Bachelor of Forestry Science

Bachelor of Health Sciences

Bachelor of Laws

Bachelor of Music

Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Social Work

Bachelor of Speech and Language Pathology with Honours

Bachelor of Sport Coaching

Bachelor of Teaching and Learning (Early Childhood)

Bachelor of Teaching and Learning (Primary)

Double degrees


Diploma in Adult Teaching and Learning

Diploma in Early Childhood Education

Diploma in Language

Diploma in Teaching and Learning (Early Childhood)

Diploma in Teaching and Supporting People with Disabilities

Te Pourua Reo: Diploma in Te Reo Māori

Te Pourua: Diploma in Māori and Indigenous Studies

Graduate diplomas

Graduate Diploma in Accounting and Information Systems

Graduate Diploma in Arts

Graduate Diploma in Business Administration

Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Teaching

Graduate Diploma in Economics

Graduate Diploma in Forestry

Graduate Diploma in Journalism

Graduate Diploma in Management

Graduate Diploma in Science

Graduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning (Primary)

Graduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning (Secondary) Postgraduate certificates

Postgraduate Certificate in Antarctic Studies

Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Teaching

Postgraduate Certificate in Education

Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering

Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences

Postgraduate Certificate in Palliative Care

Postgraduate Certificate in Specialist Teaching

Postgraduate Certificate in Strategic Leadership

Postgraduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching

Postgraduate diplomas

Postgraduate Diploma in Antarctic Studies

Postgraduate Diploma in Art Curatorship

Postgraduate Diploma in Business

Postgraduate Diploma in Child and Family Psychology

Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology

Postgraduate Diploma in Education

Postgraduate Diploma in Education endorsed in e-Learning and Digital Technologies

Postgraduate Diploma in Education endorsed in Hōaka Pounamu: Te Reo Māori Bilingual and Immersion Teaching

Postgraduate Diploma in Education endorsed in Inclusive and Special Education

Postgraduate Diploma in Education endorsed in Leadership

Postgraduate Diploma in Education endorsed in Literacy

Postgraduate Diploma in Education endorsed in Teaching and Learning Languages

Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering Geology

Postgraduate Diploma in Forestry

Postgraduate Diploma in Geographic Information Science

Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences

Postgraduate Diploma in Industrial and Organisational Psychology

Postgraduate Diploma in Māori and Indigenous Studies

Postgraduate Diploma in Science

Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Teaching

Postgraduate Diploma in Te Reo Māori

Postgraduate Diploma in Water Resource Management

Master's degrees

Master of Antarctic Studies

Master of Arts

Master of Applied Finance and Economics

Master of Audiology

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Master of Business Management

Master of Commerce

Master of Counselling

Master of Education

Master of Education endorsed in Inclusive and Special Education

Master of Engineering

Master of Engineering in Fire Engineering

Master of Engineering in Management

Master of Engineering Studies

Master of Engineering in Transportation

Master of Fine Arts

Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing

Master of Forestry Science

Master of Geographic Information Science

Master of Health Sciences

Master of Human Interface Technology

Master of International Law and Politics

Master of Laws

Master of Laws (International Law and Politics)

Master of Māori and Indigenous Studies

Master of Music

Master of Professional Accounting

Master of Science

Master of Social Work

Master of Social Work (Applied)

Master of Speech and Language Pathology

Master of Te Reo Māori

Master of Water Resource Management


Doctor of Philosophy

Doctor of Musical Arts

留学移民咨询电话:+64 9 368 1883


ABY 官方网站:www.aby.nz

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